Prep for the Future
Retirement Planning Considerations
Professoriate: Develop Your Personal Advisory Team
Clinician Educator: Develop Your Personal Advisory Team
Visiting the Following Websites
Take Action
New Beginnings: Jumpstarting the Rest of Your Life
Individual Consultation
Couples/Family Consultation
New Beginnings Coaching
New Beginnings Coaching FAQ
"Go to" Resources
Clinician Educator
Professoriate FAQ
Clinician Educator FAQ
Iris F. Litt, M.D.
Associate Dean
Marron and Mary Elizabeth Kendrick Professor in Pediatrics (Emerita)
Janice Lowe
Associate Dean
Clinical Professor, Pediatrics
Newton Cheung
Program Manager
Frequently Asked Questions
Professoriate FAQ
Q. What can you do if you do not feel ready emotionally or financially for retirement?
A: New Beginnings offers individual consultations and couples/family consultations to clarify goals and strategies for transition planning for the next chapter of professional life, including retirement. We also provide a list of questions to ask yourself here to determine if you are ready. Finally, New Beginnings Coaching, led by our very own School of Medicine faculty, offers 1:1 coaching to interested faculty on the transition to retirement. Any faculty member is eligible to receive up to 5 coaching sessions at no cost.
We are excited to announce the creation of the Senior Academy at Stanford Medicine, a new program to support retired School of Medicine faculty and those transitioning to retirement. The Senior Academy network will also create a pool of experienced advisers to collaborate with current faculty.
Q. Should I take FRIP?
- See FRIP Information
- Meet with Chair
- Meet with Ellen Waxman
Q: Can I be recalled to active duty if I take FRIP?
A: You will be recalled to active duty as part of the FRIP program. You cannot be recalled to active duty after the FRIP recall ends. There are limited exceptions to allow you to perform volunteer services for your department.
Q: Can I be recalled to active duty if I retire and do not take FRIP?
A: Decision will be made by your Chair (Check before deciding!)
Q: How can I find out more about retiree qualifications, a retirement checklist, Stanford retiree benefits, and individual financial counseling?
A: Please see these links for Retiree Qualifications and Benefits Overview. Please see this link for Faculty Retirement Checklist. Please see this link for Individual Financial Counseling.
Q: What "perks" are available to retired emeriti/ae faculty?
A: For more information about privileges and benefits for emeriti faculty, please go HERE.
Q: Can I continue to mentor students/faculty/fellows, etc. after I retire?
A: By agreement with your Chair, you may do so as an UNPAID volunteer.
Q: Housing:
- If you currently live in Stanford Faculty Campus Housing, you and your partner can remain unless you live in the more recently constructed housing which limits the length of time you can remain after retirement.
- If you currently live in non-University housing, even if currently eligible, you would relinquish your right to buy/rent Campus housing after retirement.
- The Vi is private retirement community on leased Stanford land which is available to Retirees, as well as individuals without Stanford affiliation (although those with a Stanford connection are given preference, we have heard).
Q: Can I continue to be P.I. after I retire?
A: You can remain a P.I. during a FRIP recall or a recall under regular retirement with approval of Chair.
Q: Am I eligible to take continuing studies courses?
A: YES! You (and your spouse) may be eligible for a tuition reduction. See this link for more info: Stanford Continuing Studies Discounts and Tuition Assistance.
Q: Am I eligible to teach continuing studies courses?
A: YES! – Check website to learn how to apply.
Clinician Educator FAQ
Q. What can you do if you do not feel ready emotionally or financially?
A: New Beginnings offers individual consultations and couples/family consultations to clarify goals and strategies for transition planning for the next chapter of professional life, including retirement. We also provide a list of questions to ask yourself here to determine if you are ready. Finally, New Beginnings Coaching, led by our very own School of Medicine faculty, offers 1:1 coaching to interested faculty on the transition to retirement. Any faculty member is eligible to receive up to 5 coaching sessions at no cost.
We are excited to announce the creation of the Senior Academy at Stanford Medicine, a new program to support retired School of Medicine faculty and those transitioning to retirement. The Senior Academy network will also create a pool of experienced advisers to collaborate with current faculty.
Q: Can I use the title "Emeriti/ae" if I retire on the Clinician Educator (CE) line?
A: Upon retirement and upon meeting certain qualifications, Clinician Educators may request Staff Emeritus or Staff Emerita status. Please see Handbook 3.3G.
Q: Can I continue to mentor students/faculty/fellows, etc. after I retire?
A: By agreement with your Chair, you may do so as an UNPAID volunteer.
Q: What "perks" are available to retirees?
A: Search by Available to Retirees on this site: Stanford Sweeteners eligibility.
Q: How can I find out more about retiree qualifications, a retirement checklist, Stanford retiree benefits, and individual financial counseling?
A: Please see these links for Retiree Qualifications and Benefits Overview. Please see this link for the Staff Retirement Checklist. Please see this link for Individual Financial Counseling.
Q: Am I eligible to take continuing studies courses?
A: YES! You (and your spouse) may be eligible for a tuition reduction. See this link for more info: Stanford Continuing Studies Discounts and Tuition Assistance.
Q: Am I eligible to teach continuing studies courses?
A: YES! – Check website to learn how to apply.