Simple Banner
Introduce your page with a quality landscape image
Simple Banners display imagery in a wide landscape format with multiple captioning options ideal for introducing content. Unlike Image components, Simple Banners do not have a "wrap text" feature so they are best placed on top.
- Crop tool
- Headings with icons
- Caption tool
- Hyperlink
Pro Tips
- Use relevant, high-quality imagery
- While usable on any page in any location – it's ideal at the top, or in wider columns
- Crop as landscape to better fit captions and headings
- To crop the image, first add, then use the Quick Edit mode (pencil). For presets, enter fullscreen mode
- For multiple rotating banners, use the Banner Builder
Visual Manual
Align left-column colors with right-column content
Input Fields
Configure the output
Output Key
Displays the input fields