Private content on Stanford Medicine (AEM) Websites
Making content private to Stanford Users only on AEM
The ability for authors to make pages private from non-Stanford Users will cease to be an option authors can modify, and move to a request based service in Winter 2021. This change will not affect existing pages or sites (published or unpublished) that are already marked private SUNet ID. All change requests to protect or unprotect content will be reviewed by submission through this ServiceNow form.
For sites that are intended for internal facing audiences or managing Stanford only content, authors are strongly encourated to utilize existing web applications designed for internal business such as Stanford Medicine Box or MedWiki to manage content. Both options enable permissions to be set so that content is viewable by all users with a SUNet ID, or, limited to individual viewers or groups. MedWiki has a robust search function and is well suited for working groups and internal organizations.
Considerations for protecting content
Carefully assess the content that you wish to protect. First, determine if the content truly needs to be protected, and if it does, define your audience. Please consider that on AEM, protected information will be available to anyone with a SUNetID, not just those in your department/division. NOTE: PHI and PII information is to never be posted on a Stanford Medicine front end AEM website. All types of Moderate and Low risk data are acceptable for protection on your site. For guidance about data classification storage requirements please see the data classification guide.
Guidelines for considering if SUNet ID is appropriate:
- Is the content publicly available on other Stanford websites? If so, why do you wish to protect the information on your site?
- Who is your intended audience? If your audience is limited to a group, department, or lab, consider a Wiki.
- Are you protecting documents or the AEM page? You can protect documents in Box and leave AEM pages that reference documents unprotected.
Types of content that authors may wish to protect
- Contact information
- Documentation (Stanford/Internal focused)
- Procedures (Stanford/Internal focused)
- Policies (Stanford/Internal focused)
- Applications
- Forms