Box with AEM

Using Box in lieu of the DAM

  • Security: Manage who can see your files and what they can do with them
  • Management tools: Sync and versioning, mobile app, powerful search 
  • Collaboration: Designate other authors to help manage files. Co-edit and/or share your documents, comment on, and assign tasks

Video Tutorial

How-to use Box with AEM

Help Documentation

Setup Box Folders

On your Box homepage there are two permanent main root folders that determine what content can be shared and with whom: these are your personal, internal files and your public, external files. All other folders shown are simply those that have been shared directly with you (collaboration) and can be removed if desired.

Your intended audience ultimately determines where you place your content. For content destined for AEM websites, the choice will almost always be external as internal requires specifying SUNet ID users. External folders may also be restricted in this way, though not required.

A. Internal Folders

  • Only shareable within Stanford Medicine
  • Safe for PHI (labeled as such)

B. External Folders

  • Shareable to the world. Can also be restricted.
  • Not safe for PHI. Violations are quarantined. 

Upload, Links and Embeds

Once you’ve created and configured a folder space in Box for your AEM content. It’s time to upload your files and create link or embed them in AEM.

On this Page:

Most Common Question

How do I setup files so only Stanford Medicine users can view them without being directly specified/invited?



Set the file shared settings to People in your company. To do this, your file will need to be in an external folder. For more detailed information, see section 4: "Upload Files & Create Permalinks"
