Anesthesia Acupuncture
The goal of the Anesthesia Acupuncture advanced experience is to receive clinical and research experience in medical acupuncture. You may choose to specialize in either adult or pediatric acupuncture, or may select a mixture. The duration of the experience is one year. The specific objectives of the anesthesia acupuncture program are as follows:
- Complete certification in medical acupuncture
- Take Medical Acupuncture board examination
- Gain facility in common clinical acupuncture protocols (e.g. perioperative acupuncture, acupuncture for nausea and vomiting, oncology treatments, acupuncture for withdrawal).
- Assist in the development of educational programs for medical students, residents and fellows.
- Clinical Research training in medical acupuncture, which includes:
- A biostatistics course
- Design and conduct of clinical trials course
- Other post-graduate courses such as those offered through the Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education (SPECTRUM)
- Design and implementation of an acupuncture study, including conceptualization and planning of the study, writing an IRB protocol, screening patients, performing acupuncture, collecting and analyzing data, and preparing and submitting a manuscript for publication
- Assessments of your performance towards the above-stated goals will be given on a monthly basis, in the form of both formative and summative written evaluation. You will maintain a portfolio of complex cases, talks and presentations.
Course Director: Brenda Golianu, M.D. (pediatrics)