Advanced Clinical Anesthesia
The Advanced Clinical Anesthesia experience is designed for anesthesiologists who wish to obtain more experience in the management of particularly challenging cases in the following subspecialties:
- The Neuro Anesthesia rotation offers clinical experience in the anesthetic management of patients undergoing craniotomies, including neurovascular procedures, and complex spine surgeries.
- The Head and Neck Anesthesia/Advanced Airway Management rotation focuses on the management of patients undergoing major head and neck cancer surgery, laryngeal surgery, surgery for obstructive sleep apnea, and difficult airway management techniques.
- The Thoracic Anesthesia rotation is where fellows acquire experience in the management of patients undergoing thoracic surgery, including lung isolation and one-lung ventilation techniques.
- The Bariatric Anesthesia rotation focuses on the management of morbidly obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery.
- The Anesthesia for High Risk Obstetrics rotation focuses on the management of parturients with severe preeclampsia and parturients with placenta accrete.
- The Regional Anesthesia rotation allows the fellow to acquire experience in ultrasound-guided nerve blocks.
- Anesthesia for Major Orthopedic Procedures rotation focuses on anesthesia techniques for joint replacement surgeries.
- Anesthesia for Liver/Kidney/Pancreas transplant rotation exposes the fellow to the principles of the anesthetic care for patients undergoing these transplants.
The schedule of rotations and the length of each rotation will be chosen jointly between the attending and the program director in order to meet your educational goals.
Experience in pediatric anesthesia is also offered, in conjunction with the division of pediatric anesthesia at Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital. Clinical exposure will emphasize anesthetic and patient management techniques for complex procedures in the above-mentioned subspecialties.
- Program Director: Hendrikus JM Lemmens, M.D., Ph.D.
- Principal Faculty: Hendrikus JM Lemmens, M.D., Ph.D., Vladimir Nekhendzy, M.D., Vivek Kulkarni, M.D., PhD., Pedro Tanaka, M.D.
Applications and additional information may be obtained by contacting Hendrikus JM Lemmens, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Anesthesiology, H3580, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA 94305-5640.
Positions: 1 or 2 per year