Health Disparities Research

Grants, Awards & Stanford Principle Investigators working on HDR

Li Ka Shing Center, Stanford Campus
Home of the annual Stanford Pathology
Research Retreat

The Stanford Pathology Research Retreat

Held annually, the purpose of the retreat is to permit all of the Department's members to become more familiar with the research that is being conducted in the department, including basic, translational and clinical projects. We hope this will facilitate new opportunities for collaborative studies and research training, as well as enhance prospects for additional funding of such activities.

The Health Disparity Research Award

The Health Disparity Research Award is an award category at the retreat which welcomes studies with a particular focus on health differences that are closely linked with social, economic, geographic and/or environmental disadvantage. Stanford Pathology wants to recognize the impact that such determinants have on health outcomes of specific populations.

Previous Winners of the Health Disparity Award

Health Disparities Research & Community Programs at Stanford

WHSDM Center

The Stanford Women's Health & Sex Differences in Medicine Center acknowledges the wisdom of conducting innovative, multi-disciplinary research on women’s health & sex differences in biology  & medicine.

Women's Health Forum

The Annual Stanford Women’s Health Forum, provides a in-depth look at pressing topics in women's health. The forum is organized by the Stanford Women's Health & Sex Differences in Medicine (WHSDM) Center.

Just Health

JUST Health - a web publication designed to spotlight thought, research, challenges, and inroads in health disparities, health inequity, and social justice in medicine, health and wellness.

Flu Crew

 Flu Crew creates opportunities for medical students to provide immunizations in the community while addressing population health needs in underserved areas.

Civic Engagement Symposium

The Civic Engagement Symposium explores multi-disciplinary approaches toward improving health, illness, and wellness.

Our Voice: Citizen Science for Health Equity

The Our Voice Initiative aims to increase health equity among people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and in diverse parts of the world. 

Community Health Symposium

The Community Health Symposium is an annual event showcasing a wide range of service and partnership research projects undertaken by Stanford students, trainees, and faculty in underserved communities.

Cardinal Free Clinics

The Cardinal Free Clinics were created to fill a void in the health care safety net. Cardinal Free Clinics represents a new and innovative model for providing free health care to the underserved.


Presence champions the human experience in medicine by fostering research, dialogue, and multidisciplinary collaboration to produce measurable and meaningful change in health care.

LGBT Medical Education Research Group

The LGBT Medical Education Research Group's mission is to be a significant contributor to the field of LGBT health, educational policies, & advocating for LGBT patients and providers.