Medical Liver
Walden Browne, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pathology (Liver and Gastrointestinal)
ValleyCare Tri-Valley
Vivek Charu, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pathology (Renal Pathology)
Assistant Director, Clinical Data Fellowship Program
John Higgins, MD
Professor of Pathology
Director, Anatomic and Clinical Residency Training Program
Co-Director, Post-Sophomore Fellowship in Pathology
Neeraja Kambham, MD
Professor of Pathology
Director, Renal Pathology Service
Director, Electron Microscopy
Director, Anatomic Pathology Service
Maggie Lam , MD
Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology (Surgical Pathology & Cytopathology)
ValleyCare Medical Center
Serena Tan, MD
Assistant Professor of Pathology (Pediatric Pathology)
Director, Pediatric Pathology Fellowship Program