Pathology Trainee Mentored Award
Category: Grants for Pathology Trainees and their Mentor
Eligibility: Clinical trainee(s) in the Pathology Department partnered with a Stanford University faculty member
Application Cycle: The annual application cycle opens on July 1st. Applications are due July 31st with funds to be released September 1st. All applicants will be required to prepare and present a brief PowerPoint presentation on their project proposal to the Teaching & Training Committee during the T&T Meeting in August.
Award Levels: Any amount up to $15,000 maximum per award (one-year project or two-year project).
For the one-year project, the funds are granted September 1st and expire the following August 31st at the end of the fiscal year. No budget extensions are available (budgets expire).
For the two-year project, budget needs to include expenses for both years (if applicable). Each annual fund is granted September 1st and expire the following August 31st at the end of the fiscal year. Unused funds from the first year budget will not carry over to the second year’s budget even though it is a continuation of the same project. No budget extensions are available (budgets expire).
Review Committee: Teaching & Training
Cover Letter: Title, names of research team members, 250 word summary of the project, indicate other existing funding related to the proposed project and plan for spending in the first and second year of the grant (if a second year is needed). If only one year of budget is needed, so state.
Application: 3-page limit that should include (i) Hypothesis and Specific Aims, (ii) Significance, (iii) Innovation, (iv) Approach, (v) Plan for publication, (vi) Plan for Department Research Retreat i.e. Presenters.
Budget: Detailed proposed budget for year 1 (September-August year #1) and proposed budget for (September-August year #2) Download budget template here.
CVs: of the trainee(s) and faculty mentor(s).
PowerPoint Proposal Presentation: All applicants must prepare and present a brief PowerPoint presentation (~3 minutes/5 slides max.) on their project proposal to the Teaching and Training Committee during the T&T Meeting. Applicants will also have time to answer any questions the committee may have (~2 minutes).
Scoring: will be based on NIH system and the reviewer comments of those not funded will be shared with the applicant.
Submitting: Applications should be submitted to Smartsheets, If you have any issues submitting please contact Ashley Camacho Amponsah ( Please note: graduating trainees must name an alternate trainee to present at the upcoming research retreat in their application. All documents should be merged to one document.