
Pathology House Staff — Residents & Fellows, 2024-25

BACK ROW L-R: Rachel Frauches, Grant Higerd-Rusli, Anthony Chen, William Wey, Beau Idler, Robert Frick, Dustin DeMeo, Ian Taylor-Cho, Yigit Baykara, Furkan Yigitbilek, Saadia Hasan, Yang Hu, Iain Miller, Ivan Espinal, Douglas Wu, Parnaz Daneshpajouhnejad, John Newman, Andreas Mitsios, Tong Wang

MIDDLE ROW L-R: Hehua Huang, Christine Heisen, Jingjing Meng, Haijuan Gao, Seena Tabibi, Joanna Solarewicz, Alex Chang-Graham, Krishna Bharani, Thomas Watkins, Brooke Liang, Christina Su, Margarita Munoz de Toro, Visesh Ravikumar, Alex Dussaq, Connor Zuraski, Sebastian Cruz, Aaron Wilk, Shatreen Masshoor, Yaseen Jamal

FRONT ROW L-R: Andrew Sanchez, Ragini Phansalkar, Anupam Mitra, Veronica Nicholas, Tiffany Lee, Courtney Sparger, Xiaomo Alex Li, Miguel Gonzalez Mancera, Christian Hirt, Anne Cheng, Nivaz Brar, Jessica Hudson, Kelley Yuan, Adebola Adeniyi, Tracy Goh, Sheren Younes, Ben Dulken, Cooper Rutland, Phoebe Hammer, Maryam Abdollahi, Tanner Mack, Jodi Gedallovich

The Stanford Department of Pathology is committed to providing the highest level of educational programs in pathology, delivering cutting-edge training to future leaders in pathology, medicine, biomedical research and related fields.

Our goal is to advance excellence in the field of the pathology by offering a spectrum of focused programs and learning opportunities for the education of medical students, residents, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and clinical fellows in programs related to pathology.

Each of these programs is designed to focus on the development of the key skillsets and expert knowledge-base necessary to accelerate career development and promote excellence in clinical care and research. Learn more about these offerings below.

Residency Programs

The Department of Pahtology Residency Programs offers a broad selection of academic opportunities to trainees with the goals of...

Clinical Fellowships

Our Clinical Fellowships offer over 15 ACGME-accredited clinical fellowships the Department of Pathology trains outstanding candidates for...

Clerkship Courses

The Department of Pathology offers a four-week introductory pathology clerkship for students interested in exposure to the fields of...

PSIT Program

The Physician Scientist Incubator Track (PSIT) is a formal career development program for residents preparing for a career devoted to...

Post Sophomore Fellowship

Our 12-month Post Sophomore Fellowship Program is to offer medical students a broad exposure to the practice of pathology in an...

Visiting Observer Program

The Department of Pathology Visiting Observer Program is an opportunity to delve into the fascinating field of medical diagnostics and research...