Social Workers, Therapists, Counselors, and Psychologists
We are often asked for referrals to social workers, counselors, therapists, and psychologists knowledgeable about Parkinson's Disease (PD) in our geographic area. Here's a list of some we have heard about or know. We encourage you to check out these individual's websites. We also suggest people ask members of their local Parkinson's support group to get recommendations.
Of course the details below may change from time to time, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and other factors. You must re-confirm all details with the professionals listed.
If you are looking for recommendations beyond the Stanford area, please contact us.
Sue Alvey, LPCC (therapist)
Location of Services: Home visits in Santa Clara County, virtual
Clinic Phone: 408-784-8304, Email
PD-Related Credentials: Has been a speaker for the Palo Alto and Sonoma County PD Support Groups. Has worked with PD caregivers, family members, and people with PD.
Charges: Medicare, United Healthcare, and Private Pay
Notes: Individual psychotherapy with people with PD, their caregivers, family members and aging adults with chronic illness.
Betsy Conlan, LCSW (therapist)
Location of Services: Clinic in Redwood City, home visits (from Los Altos to San Carlos), virtual
Phone: 650-556-4906, Email
PD-Related Credentials: Facilitated PD caregiver support groups for several years
Charges: Private Pay
Notes: Individual psychotherapy for those with neurological disorders and caregivers of neurological disorders
Virginia Frederick, LCSW (social worker)
Location of Services: Clinic in Palo Alto, virtual
Main Phone: 650-324-8988; Email
PD-Related Credentials: Local PD caregiver support group leaders refer individuals to her
Charges: Private Pay
Notes: Works with couples or those under stress with a medical condition
Jennifer Lezin, MSW (social worker)
Location of Services: Clinic in Palo Alto, virtual
Main Phone: 650-325-2315; Email
PD-Related Credentials: Local PD caregiver support group leaders refer individuals to her
Charges: Private Pay
Notes: Works with individuals, couples, and families under stress with a medical condition
Nina Poletika, MFT (therapist)
Location of Services: Clinic in Palo Alto, virtual
Main Phone: 650-269-1695; Email
PD-Related Credentials: Has seen many PD caregivers and some people with PD. Has been a speaker for the Palo Alto PD Support Group.
Charges: Private Pay
Notes: Works with couples, caregivers, or the person with PD.
Paul Puccinelli, LMFT (psychotherapist)
Location of Services: Office in San Anselmo, virtual
Main Phone: 415-342-2839 (accepts texts); Email
PD-Related Credentials: Extensive experience working with female or male adults with PD early onset or later stages, as well as their caregivers or partners.
Charges: Private Pay
Notes: Provides personalized therapeutic support for individuals, couples, or families dealing with the challenges associated with a chronic illness, like PD.
Jaimi Taylor, LMFT (therapist)
Location of Services: Clinic in Palo Alto; virtual
Main Phone: 650-727-5147; Email
PD-Related Credentials: Has seen PD caregivers and some people with PD.
Charges: Private Pay
Notes: Works with couples, caregivers, or the person with PD.
Last updated June 2023 by Stanford Parkinson's Community Outreach.