Hallucinations and Delusions in PD

Hallucinations and delusions are collectively referred to as psychosis.

Visual hallucinations are the most common type of hallucination.  In a visual hallucination, someone sees things that are not actually there.  There can also be auditory and olfactory hallucinations.  Often hallucinations are not alarming to the person experiencing them.

Delusions are when there is an alternative view of reality: an entire irrational story is created.  Paranoia is a common type of delusion.  Capgras delusions are a specific type of delusion where the person believes that a spouse, adult child, or other family member has been replaced by an imposter.

Caregivers Coping with Hallucinations and Delusions | Downloadable Documents | Online Articles | Podcasts & Webinars | Expert-level Resources

Special Section: Caregivers Coping with Hallucinations and Delusions

A Caregiver’s Guide to Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis 

By Andrew J. Ridder, MD.  Published by Michigan Health, Brain Health Blog, February 16, 2017

While more than 50% of those taking carbidopa-levodopa may experience psychosis (a break with reality), medication management of these symptoms is a balancing act.  First, families must bring psychotic behavior (primarily hallucinations, delusions and illusions) to the attention of your medical team.  Medical causes of the behavior, like infection must be ruled out, followed by a review of medications and possible medication adjustments before a lifestyle changes and possible medications for treatment are added.


Published by the Alzheimer’s Association

This web page has two sections; one on understanding hallucinations and the other on coping strategies.  Links within the text take you to pages which explain brain function and changes, non-drug approaches to behavior management and medications for behavioral symptoms.

Hallucinations and Delusions in Parkinson’s Disease

Published by the Parkinson’s Foundation, Parkinson’s Today Blog, March 23, 2018

This blog post is based on the latest research and a Parkinson’s Foundation Expert Briefing about hallucinations and delusions in Parkinson’s.  After an explanation of what hallucinations and delusions are, there are tips for what to do, how to minimize these behaviors through lifestyle changes, and medication treatment options.

Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis: A Little-Known Symptom of PD

By Anne-Marie Botek.  Published by Aging Care

One of the lesser-known symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease is Parkinson’s psychosis.  This webpage explains the prevalence, causes and symptoms, treatment options of PD psychosis.  More useful to caregivers are sections on potential triggers of psychotic episodes and what caregivers can do about PD psychosis.

Downloadable Documents (PDF)

Hallucinations and Delusions in Parkinson's

Published by Parkinson Canada, 2024

This 4-page fact sheet (PDF) defines hallucinations and delusions and outlines when and how your medical team can help. It also includes strategies for how caregivers should respond to hallucinations and delusions.

Hallucinations and Delusions in Parkinson's

Published by Parkinson’s UK, 2024

This 13-page information sheet (PDF) has a very good description of how hallucinations and delusions can manifest, as well as possible causes and what can exacerbate them, ways to manage them at home and with the help of your medical team, and caretiver tips.

Psychosis: A Mind Guide to Parkinson’s

By Linda Minton, Kate Perepezko, and Gregory Pontone, MD.  Published by National Parkinson Foundation (Now the Parkinson's Foundation)

Can be downloaded as a PDF or ordered the Parkinson's Foundation online store.  This 40-page booklet is a thorough guide to all aspects of Parkinson’s psychosis, including symptoms, causes, treatment options, coping strategies for both the family and person experiencing the psychosis, and a chapter on tips for caregivers.

Online Articles


Published by the National Parkinson Foundation (Now the Parkinson's Foundation)

This webpage provides information on the differences between hallucinations, delusions, delirium, dementia; risk factors, causes and treatment options for each as well as some coping strategies for family members and care partners when dealing with one or more disorder.

The bottom of this webpage features a 4-minute video. It is a first hand account by a caregiver about her husband's developement of hallucinations and how the two of them manage day-to-day.

Parkinson’s Psychosis: Understanding the Symptoms and Getting Treatment

By Mosaic Science. Published by the Caregiver Space, March 17, 2017

This article shares the prevalence of Parkinson's psychosis, types of hallucinations and delusions, the diagnostic process, causes, treatment options, and how can support a loved one experiencing hallucinations and delusions.

Psychosis in Parkinson’s

By Mosaic Science.  Published by the Caregiver Space, March 17, 2017

This blog post shares the experience at least half of people diagnosed with Parkinson’s - developing Parkinson’s disease psychosis (PDP).  It further shares the impact on those treated by the newly approved, Nuplazid, the first drug to specifically treat delusions and hallucinations associated with PDP.

Psychosis in PD (PDP)

By Maria De León, MD.  Published by defeatparkinsons.com, February 7, 2017

Psychosis causes high levels of caregiver burden and stress.  It leads to significant disability and poor quality of life.  The risk of developing psychosis increases with disease duration.  Dr. De León lists many causes of underlying neuropsychiatric disturbances possible in PD, and causes of psychosis common to the elderly.

Podcasts & Webinars

Cognition and Psychosis

By PMD Alliance, June 17, 2020

In this 48-minute webinar, geriatric psychiatrist Daniel Weintraub, MD, provides an overview of the neuropsychiatric and cognitive symptoms that can occur in PD, as well as how those symptoms can be managed.  
Webinar notes on the Stanford PD Community Blog

Hallucinations and Parkinson’s with Dr. Friedman

By the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (Now the Parkinson’s Foundation), December 13, 2017

This 16-minute video is a series of interviews with Parkinson’s patients who experience hallucinations interspersed with comments by Dr. Friedman about the causes of hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease, communicating with your neurologist and medication adjustments to diminish hallucinations.

Hallucinations and REM Sleep Disorders in Parkinson's Disease

By the Houston Area Parkinson Society, November 14, 2020

At timestamp 1:58 in this recording of Thrive: HAPS 2020 Caregiver Conference, you will find a one hour talk by neurologist Joohi Jimenez-Shahed, MD.  In it she delves into what REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is and is not, and the distinctions between hallucinations, delusions, and delirium.  Management options for RBD and hallucinations are included.
Webinar notes on the Stanford PD Community Blog

Living with and Managing Parkinson's Disease Psychosis (Hallucinations and Delusions)

By the Davis Phinney Foundation, Oct 24, 2022

In this 53-minute webinar neuro-psychiatrist Dylan Wint, MD, shares his expertise on Parkinson's disease psychosis, hallucinations and delusions, including how to help someone experiencing a delusion or hallucination, when to seek help, simple versus complex hallucinations, whether there is a connection between REM Sleep Disorder and hallucinations, treatment options, and more.

Parkinson's Disease Psychosis: The What, When, Why, and How

By the Davis Phinney Foundation, August 27, 2020

Psychosis  is a psychiatric term used in neurology to refer to a spectrum of abnormalities. Parkinson’s disease psychosis is where people experience hallucinations or delusions. Hallucinations is seeing, hearing, or smelling things that don’t exist. With tactile hallucinations, one can feel a presence that isn’t there. Delusions are believing something that is not true, like that a spouse is being unfaithful or caregivers are stealing. In this one-hour talk, movement disorder specialist Christopher Goetz, MD, focuses on hallucinations and spends a little time on delusions. 

Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis: Hallucinations Delusions and Paranoia

By the Parkinson’s Foundation, February 27, 2018

As part of Parkinson’s Disease and its treatment, hallucinations, illusions, delusions, suspiciousness and paranoid behaviors occur in over 50% of patients.  In this 1-hour webinar Dr. Christopher Goetz suggests lifestyle changes, medication adjustments and a recently FDA approved drug to specifically treat psychosis in Parkinson’s Disease.

Parkinson’s Psychosis: Hallucinations and Delusions

By Parkinson Canada, January 15, 2025

In this one-hour webinar geriatrician Alison Dixon, MD, discusses causes, triggers and management & communication strategies for hallucinations and delusions, as well as how Parkinson’s psychosis impacts the mental health of both the person with Parkinson’s and their care partner. Listeners also hear from a woman who shares the challenges of caring for two parents living with Parkinson’s, including her mother’s episodes of delusions, and the management strategies she uses to stay safe and connected as a family.

Treating Parkinson’s Hallucinations and Delusions

By the Michael J. Fox Foundation, May 19, 2016

This 1-hour webinar is a discussion of Parkinson’s psychosis; prevalence within the Parkinson’s community (more than half of those with PD may experience one of the major symptoms); how it develops; and how it can be treated without impacting motor symptoms. The focus is on a new treatment option and family dynamics while dealing with Parkinson’s psychosis.  [Registration is required but is free.]

Expert-Level Resources

A Review of the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Psychosis in Parkinson’s Disease

By Laura B. Zahodne and Hubert H. Fernandez.  Drugs Aging, 2008, vol. 25, no. 8, pages 665-682

A thorough description of the underlying causes of psychosis in Parkinson’s with links to many other studies focusing on particular presentations of disorders or treatment options for these disorders.

Last updated October 2023 by Stanford Parkinson's Community Outreach.