Video Support Group Meetings

Many people find support groups help them deal with the challenges of having Parkinson's disease (PD) or being a care partner to someone with PD.  Joining a support group connects you with others in similar circumstances.  You can find a shoulder to cry on or get advice from people with experience.  But you can't always get to a support group.

Video Support Groups use videoconferencing for meetings.  Meetings are at a specific time on a regular schedule (weekly or monthly).  The video support groups listed here are for people with PD as well as caregivers.  There's a wide variety.  

If you don't want to get locked into a specific meeting day/time, find online PD support groups for people with PD and caregivers on our online support groups page.

Adult Child Caregivers | African American | Anyone | Caregivers Only | Chinese | Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) | Early Stages | Flying Solo | French | Grief/Bereavement | Late Stage Caregiving | Men with PD | Newly Diagnosed | People with PD | Spanish | Teens | Women with PD | Young Onset |

Adult Child Caregivers

Adult Children Care Partners Support Group

Monthly online support group for adult children care partners of a parent with Parkinson's disease.

  • 2nd Thursday, 4pm PT

Contact Parkinson Canada by email or phone 800-565-3000 (M-F 6am to 2pm PT) for a meeting link.

African American

African American Parkinson's Virtual Support Group

The Michigan Parkinson Foundation African American Support Group is facilitated by Gwen Willis and Jazlyn Whitmore.

  • 2nd Tuesday, 10am PT

Contact Gwen Willis, 248-419-7170 to join.


Gainesville Parkinson’s Support Group

The University of Florida Health, Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases welcomes people with PD and care partners to join this support group. You need not live in the Gainesville area to attend.

  • 3rd Friday, 9:30am - 11am PT

Email or call Amanda Fessenden, 352-733-2431, to join.


Mindfulness Focused Group

Led by medical hypnotherapist Roger Moore, this group meets to share and hear real-life stories, share strength, resilience, and inspiration, and learn new mindfulness skills/techniques.

  • 3rd Tuesday, 1:30pm PT

Registration Fee: $25 per session, or $75 for 4 sessions

Parkinson's Support Group

People facing similar challenges come together in a safe environment to learn, to talk about personal experiences, and to enhance their ability to cope with the daily challenges of Parkinson’s.

Cummings Centre membership is not required.

  • 2nd Thursday, 10:30am - noon PT

Call Parkinson Canada, 800-565-3000.

Online Parkinson's Support Group

Online support group with a designated topic for discussion. Hosted by the Parkinson Social Network, based in Virginia. Come when you can and stay as long as you like.

  • 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7am - 8:30am PT

Resilience OnlineTM for Everyone

This support group is open to everyone.

  • Every Tuesday, 1pm PT

At the meeting time, click the link to join.

Round Table Support Group

Facilitated by a social worker, this group is for those with PD, caregivers, friends, and family.  Registration is required.

  • 1st Wednesday, 6pm PT
  • 2nd Monday, 6pm PT
  • 3rd Thursday, 1pm PT

Virtual Village

Virtual Village meetings are for people with PD, caregivers, friends, and family.  These educational meetings feature professionals serving the Parkinson’s community.  Meeting times vary from month-to-month.   

  • 1st Tuesday, 6pm PT
  • 4th Monday, 6pm PT

Weekly Tuesday Group

This group is open to anyone in the Parkinson's community.  Hosted by Judy Yaras, who was a PD caregiver for nearly 18 years.

  • Every Tuesday, 11am - 12:30pm PT

At the meeting time, click the link to join. If you have questions, contact Parkinson's Community Los Angeles by email or phone 310-880-3143. 

Caregivers Only

Care Partner Connection

This weekly support group is for all family caregivers to a loved one with Parkinson’s. This is an open, conversational group hosted by Charles Schiell, who was a care partner to his father with Parkinson’s.

  • Tuesdays, 7:30pm PT

At the meeting time click the link to join.  If you have questions, contact Parkinson's Community Los Angeles by email or phone 310-880-3143. 

Care Partner Monthly Meetup

For Parkinson's care partners who could use some extra support during these challenging times, these one-hour sessions featuring Connie Carpenter Phinney (and other care partner special guests) will hold some space to discuss concerns, challenges, and questions.

  • 1st Tuesday, 11am PT

Care Partner Support Group

Offered in English (even-numbered moths) and Spanish (odd-numbered months). Esteemed experts discuss Parkinson's stages, symptoms and how PD progresses over time, the challenges in being a caregiver, self-care practices, and ways to support your loved one .

  • 2nd Thursday, 2pm PT

At the meeting time click the link to join. For more information email Rosa Peña, MSW, or call 800-223-2732.

Care Partner Support Group

A weekly APDA Care Partner Support Group in partnership with MorseLife Care Management and Counseling, West Palm Beach, FL. The group is lead by Megan Bernat, LCSW, and supported by the APDA Florida Chapter staff and ambassadors. Registration required.

  • Thursdays, 11am PT

Care Partner Support Group

Meet with other Caregivers and Counselors from the Center for Successful Aging to share your experiences as a caregiver for someone with Parkinson's Disease, ask questions, and get great feedback! 

  • Every Tuesday, 2:30pm PT

Email PASB to join.

Caregiver's Café (Daytime)

A professionally facilitated support group for all care partners and family members of someone with Parkinson's Disease. 

  • 1st Wednesday, 11am - 12:30pm PT

At the meeting time, click the link to join. If you have questions, contact Parkinson's Community Los Angeles by email or phone 310-880-3143. 

Caregivers Only Club

Connect with leader, Pam Polowski, and other caregivers via videoconference for support, coping skills, and survival strategies. 

Complete the Parkinson Place online membership application, then call 941-893-4188 to join the support group.

  • Every Wednesday, 7am PT

Complete the Parkinson Place online membership application, then call 941-893-4188 to join the support group.

Early Stages Care Partners Support Group

Monthly online support group for care partners who are caring for someone in the early stages of Parkinson’s.

  • 2nd Tuesday, 4pm PT

Contact Parkinson Canada by email or phone 800-565-3000 (M-F 6am to 2pm PT) for a meeting link.

Early to Mid-Stage Parkinson's Carepartner Support Group

Monthly online support group is geared for individuals caring for someone with early to mid-stage Parkinson's disease, whether you are a spouse, partner, adult child, or friend.

  • 3rd Wednesday, 9am-10:30am PT

Gainesville Parkinson’s Caregiver Support Group

The University of Florida Health, Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases hosts this support group for Parkinson's care partners. You do not need to be a resident of the Gainesville area to join.

  • 1st Friday, 8am - 11:15am PT

Email or call Amanda Fessenden, 352-733-2431, to join.


Mid-stages Care Partners Support Group

A support group for care partners who are caring for someone in the middle stage Parkinson's.

  • 3th Thursday, 4pm PT

Contact Parkinson Canada by email or phone 800-565-3000 (M-F 6am to 2pm PT) for a meeting link.

Parkinson's Support Group - for the Caregivers

Explore issues seminal to those caring for a loved one with a chronic or long-term illness, such as Parkinson’s disease.

Cummings Centre membership is not required.

  • 4th Thursday, 10:30am - noon PT

Call Parkinson Canada, 800-565-3000. 

Partner in Care Support Group

This group for caregivers and spouses of those with Parkinson's is facilitated by a social worker. Meeting times may vary from month-to-month.  

  • 1st Monday, 10am - 11:30am PT
  • 3rd Monday, 10am - 11:30am PT
  • 3rd Wednesday, 6pm - 7:30pm PT


Cantonese Parkinson's Disease Support Group

A monthly support group for Cantonese-speaking people with Parkinson's and care partners. 

  • 1st Saturday, 7:30am PT

Contact Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care by email or phone 416-412-4571 ext. 2361 (M-F 6am to 2pm PT) to register.

Mandarin Parkinson Support Group

A monthly support group for Mandarin-speaking people with Parkinson's and care partners. 

  • 1st Saturday, 11am PT

Contact Parkinson Canada by email or phone 800-565-3000 (M-F 6am to 2pm PT) for a meeting link.

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)

Parkinson's Deep Brain Stimulation Support Group

This is a facilitated group intended for DBS recipients and their carepartners, not those researching or awaiting a DBS procedure. Members can expect a safe space to support each other and share experiences with Parkinson’s and DBS. Individuals wishing to be in the company of others and only listen are also welcome.

  • 3rd Tuesday, 7 - 8pm PT

Email or call Liz Janze (604-662-3240 or 800-668-3330 ext 228) to join.

Early Stages

Early Stage Parkinson's Support Group

Chat with others at the same stage and share your experiences living with Parkinson's Disease. Care partners are welcome.

  • 3rd Sunday, 3pm PT

Email PASB to join.

Flying Solo

Flying Solo

A facilitated support group for those with Parkinson's or other movement disorders who are single, divorced living alone, or caring for someone else while trying to care for yourself. 

  • 2nd Monday, 2pm PT
  • 4th Monday, 2pm PT

At the meeting time, click the link to join.

Living Solo Parkinson's Support Group

Monthly online support group for those who are living with Parkinson’s and currently living alone.

  • 4th Tuesday, 11am PT

Contact Parkinson Canada by email or phone 800-565-3000 (M-F 6am to 2pm PT) for a meeting link.

PD Solo Network

A virtual community whose purpose is to share resources, common experiences, insights and support among those who live with PD but do not have a care partner.

  • 2nd Tuesdays, 10am and 4:30pm PT
  • 4th Tuesdays, 10am and 4:30pm PT

If you do not receive a confirmation email after registering, call 585-743-1266 or email Nancy Nealon.


Francophone Parkinson Support Group

A monthly support group for French-speaking people with Parkinson's and care partners. 

  • 2nd Saturday, 8am PT

Contact Parkinson Canada by email or phone 800-565-3000 (M-F 6am to 2pm PT) for a meeting link.

Groupe de Soutien pour les Personnes Atteintes de la Maladie Parkinson

Des personnes confrontées à des défis similaires se réunissent dans un environnement sûr pour apprendre, parler de leurs expériences personnelles et améliorer leur capacité à faire face aux défis quotidiens de la maladie de Parkinson.

L'adhésion au Centre Cummings n'est pas requise.

  • 3ème jeudi, 10:30am - midi PT

Appelez Parkinson Canada au 800-565-3000.


Bereavement Support Group for Carepartners

Professionally facilitated bereavement support group is open to carepartners dealing with the challenges of loss and grief.

  • 2nd Wednesday, 1pm - 2:30pm PT

Register online to join.

Living with Loss

Social worker Juanita Thompson, LCSW, facilitates this support group for members of the Parkinson's community who are grieving the loss of a loved one.  Share as much or as little as you like.

  • 3rd Wednesday, 7pm - 8:30pm PT

At the meeting time, click the link to join.  If there's a problem call 310-880-3143 or email

PRO Grief Group

Open to people with Parkinson’s, caregivers, and friends. Facilitated by end-of-life doula Glendon Geikie, MSW. Covering topics such as anticipatory grief, loss of movement/loss of abilities grief, loss or relationship grief, and eternal loss/loss of a loved one.

  • 2nd Thursday, 10am PT
  • 4th Thursday, 10am PT

Late Stage Caregiving

Advanced Parkinson's Carepartner Support Group

Monthly online support group designed for individuals caring for someone with advanced Parkinson's disease, which can be characterized by complex medical needs and/or changes in cognition that require help in almost all areas of daily life.

  • 4th Thursday, 1pm - 2:30pm PT

Contact Courtney Doherty.

Advanced Stages Parkinson's Carepartner Support Group

Monthly online support group for people caring for someone with advanced Parkinson's disease.

  • 2nd Tuesday, 3:30pm PT

Contact Parkinson Canada by email or phone 800-565-3000 (M-F 6am to 2pm PT) for a meeting link.

Men with PD

Men with Parkinson's, with Charles Coverdale

This support group for Men living with Parkinson's, at any stage of their journey, comes together for camaraderie and support.  

  • 1st Thursday, 11am - 12pm PT

At the meeting time, click the link to join. Password: 12345


Newly Diagnosed

Newly Diagnosed Support Group

Online support group for those newly diagnosed with Parkinson's disease who wish to get connected with the Parkinson's community and find community while adjusting to their diagnosis.

  • 1st Tuesday, 1:30pm - 3pm PT

Contact Alana Dhillon.

People with PD

Parkinson's Connect Live Support Group

Twice weekly free, online support group meetings for people with Parkinson's Disease (PD). Meetings are sponsored by Lingraphica, a speech and language communications device company, and facilitated by a speech-language pathologist. Topics are predetermined and vary. Some meetings are just for care partners or those with Lewy Body Dementia. Attendees talk with others who have PD for speech practice and peer support. 

  • Tuesdays 1pm PT
  • Thursdays 1pm PT

See upcoming topics and register for each meeting separately at

Training Wheels Off

A support group for people with Parkinson's, facilitated by Roger Tregelles. Meetings start with a clean comedian to get you laughing. Then watch an informative video about PD treatments, interviews, etc. followed by conversation about a question of the week. Finally, participate in an open Q&A to get feedback from the group.

  • Every Tuesday, 8:30am PT

At the meeting time, click the link to join. 
Meeting ID: 836 5678 1369, Passcode: 156837


Creciendo junto con Parkinson's

Conozca los síntomas del Parkinson y cómo vivir una vida mejor en un grupo facilitado por una persona con Parkinson.

  • 2nd lunes, 7-8:30pm PT
  • 4th lunes, 7-8:30pm PT

A la hora de la reunión, haga clic en el enlace para unirse. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con Parkinson's Community Los Angeles por correo electrónico o por teléfono al 310-880-3143.



Grupo de apoyo de habla hispana

Personas de habla hispana con enfermedad de Parkinson y sus cuidadores.

  • 2nd miércoles, 3:30 - 5pm PT

Correo electrónico para el contacto del grupo.


Grupo de Apoyo para Cuidadores

Ofrecido en inglés y español en meses alternos, estimados expertos discuten con los miembros del grupo las etapas del Parkinson, los síntomas y cómo progresa la EP con el tiempo, los desafíos de ser un cuidador, las prácticas de autocuidado y las formas de apoyar a su ser querido.

  • 2nd jueves, 2pm PT,  meses impares
    (enero, marzo, mayo, julio, septiembre, noviembre)

A la hora de la reunión, haga clic en el enlace para unirse. Para obtener más información, llame a APDA al 800-223-2732.

Un Regalo Para Tí

Para personas con Parkinson y cuidadores. Cada mes un especialista diferente hablará sobre la enfermedad de Parkinson.

  • 2nd lunes, 6pm PT

A la hora de la reunión, haga clic en el enlace para unirse. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Give for a Smile al 714-928-4988.


Teen Talk

A virtual support group for teens of parents and other family members with Young-Onset Parkinson’s Disease. There's also a GroupMe where facilitators post resources and invite teens to share.
Parents are welcome to sit in on their teen's first meeting and will get an update after each meeting with an anonymous recap of discussion topics. 

  • 2nd Wednesday, 4pm PT

Register online to join. Email with any questions! Follow us on insta @teentalkyopd.

Women with PD

Virtual Women's Parkinson's Support Group

This group is designed for women living with Parkinson’s to have a safe space to share and learn from each other.  Any and all women on their Parkinson’s journey are welcomed and encouraged to join in!

  • 4th Tuesday, 11am PT

Register online to join.

Women with Parkinson's

A professionally facilitated support group for women diagnosed with Parkinson's.  Support, share, or just listen.

  • 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm PT, with Juanita Thompson, LCSW

At the meeting time, click the link to join. If there's problem, call 310-880-3143 or email

Young Onset

Women's Young Onset (YOPD) Support Group

A monthly online support group for women who have been diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson’s.

  • 1st Monday, 4pm PT

Contact Parkinson Canada by email or phone 800-565-3000 (M-F 6am to 2pm PT) for a meeting link.

YOPD Connections

A support group specifically for those who are living (or have lived) with YOPD.  This group will help you build connections, community, and resources to live better with YOPD. 

  • 2nd Tuesday, 5pm PT
  • 4th Tuesday, 5pm PT

At the meeting time, click the link to join.

YOPN Monthly Member Community Gathering

Connect with fellow members, share experiences and insights about living with YOPD,  discuss personal challenges as well as potential opportunities, and learn how others thrive beyond diagnosis.  

  • 4th Tuesday, 4pm PT

Register online to join.

Young and Early Onset Parkinson Support Group

A monthly online support group for those who have been diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson’s, and their care partners.

  • 3rd Sunday, 11am - 12:30pm PT

Contact Parkinson Canada by email or phone 800-565-3000 (M-F 6am to 2pm PT) for a meeting link.

Young Onset and "Young at Heart" Support Group

This group is facilitated by Mike and Vanessa Wineman.

  • 4th Wednesday, 7:30pm - 9pm PT

At the meeting time, click the link to join. If there's a problem, call 310-880-3143 or email

Young Onset Parkinson's Disease (YOPD) Support Group

Online YOPD support group for individuals diagnosed with Parkinson's under the age of 60.

  • 2nd Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm PT

Register online to join.

Young Onset Parkinson's Round Table

A monthly online support group for people between the ages of 18-30 who are living with Parkinson’s.

  • 2nd Thursday, 5pm PT

Register online, call 877-775-4111, or email.

Young Onset Parkinson's Round Table

A monthly online support group for people between the ages of 31 and 59 who are living with Parkinson’s.

  • 4th Tuesday, 6pm PT

Register online, call 877-775-4111, or email.

Young Onset Support Group

A monthly online support group for those who have been diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson’s.

  • 3rd Tuesday, 3:30pm PT

Contact Parkinson Canada by email or phone 800-565-3000 (M-F 6am to 2pm PT) for a meeting link.

Last updated April 2024 by Stanford Parkinson's Community Outreach