While there is no cure for Parkinson's disease (PD), symptoms can be treated with medications. There is no “right” answer as to when you should start or adjust your medication regimen. Work with your movement disorder specialist or neurologist along the way. Here are some resources to understand medication options and how to manage medications.
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Managing Parkinson’s Mid-Stride, A Treatment Guide to Parkinson’s Disease
Published by the Parkinson's Foundation, 2022
This 44-page book (PDF) explains why symptoms may get better and worse throughout the day and how to treat an scope with them. Find answers and read tips and stories that can help.
Medications: A Treatment Guide to Parkinson’s Disease
Published by the Parkinson's Foundation, 2024
This 60-page book (PDF) explains the types of medications available to manage motor and non-motor symptoms in the hopes that it will help you to work with your Parkinson’s specialist to find the right balance of medications to help you live well with Parkinson’s.
Medications to be Avoided or Used with Caution in Parkinson's Disease
Published by the American Parkinson Disease Association, October 2019
This two-page educational supplement (PDF) lists medication names, trade names, what it is used for, and in most cases the mechanism of action.
Exploring the Variations of Carbidopa/Levodopa: The Mainstay of Parkinson’s Disease Treatment
Published by the American Parkinson Disease Association, October 8, 2024
Carbidopa/levodopa remains the most effective medication for people with PD. It is available in various strengths and delivery systems which makes understanding all the available levodopa options very confusing. This article describes the various levodopa formulations, along with the rationale for using each one.
Full List of Medications Approved for the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease in the USA
Published by the American Parkinson Disease Association
A full list of Parkinson’s medications that have been approved to treat Parkinson’s in the United States. This material is intended to provide you with information. It should not be used for treatment purposes, but rather as a source for discussion with the patient’s own physician. Work with your physician to determine which medications are best for you, and know the risks and benefits of each.
En Español: Lista de Medicamentos Aprobados en Estados Unidos para el Tratamiento de la Enfermedad de Parkinson
Medications for Motor Symptoms
Published by the Michael J. Fox Foundation
Here are described the different categories of Parkinson's medications — how they work, their potential benefits and common side effects.
Parkinson disease treatment options — medications (Beyond the Basics)
By Daniel Tarsy, MD, Published by Up To Date, July 15, 2021
This article discusses the six main types of medications available to treat Parkinson's motor symptoms including at what point in disease progression each is typically used, which may be used together, dosing, possible side effects and how to minimize side effects. It goes on to discuss treatment of the non-motor symptoms depression, sleep disorders, dementia, and psychosis.
Parkinson's Drugs
Published by Parkinson's UK, August 2019
This comprehensive page answers basic questions about how PD medications work, when to start taking them, possible side effects, tips to help you manage your medications, with links to more advanced information about PD medications, and a printable medication record.
Prescription Medications
Published by the Parkinson's Foundation
This is the introductory page of the Parkinson's Foundation's Medication and Treatment information pages. At the top of the page the left column lists various Parkinson's medications and other treatment options for readers to click on and explore on other pages of the website. Text reminds readers that medication and treatment options for PD are as unique as each person with PD and provides an explanation of generic vs. branded drugs as well as resources for prescription financial assistance.
Emerging Therapies and Parkinson's
By the Davis Phinney Foundation, April 18, 2024
In this 55-minute conversation between Soana Mather, MD (ret) and person with young onset PD, chats with movement disorders specialist Michael Okun, MD, about emerging therapies for Parkinson’s, including continuous infusion levodopa, cell replacement research, repurposed diabetes medication, and more!
Medication Maximization in Parkinson Disease
By PMD Alliance, July 25, 2024
In this 1-hour webinar a movement disorders specialist discusses carbidopa/levodopa (C/L) and medications that are used in combination with C/L to reduce symptoms of PD. Also discussed are what to take, how to take it, and what to expect, how neurologists decide what medication regimen to try, and how to discuss modifications to your treatment with your doctor.
Managing Your Parkinson's Medications
By the Michael J. Fox Foundation, August 20, 2024
In this 1-hour webinar experts discuss the best time to start or adjust medication, how much you should take, and how to navigate side effects?
Medication Management in Parkinson’s
By Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario, February 19, 2020
This one-hour webinar on drug therapy in Parkinson’s disease (PD) featured speaker Greta Mah, a clinical pharmacist in Canada. She provided a general overview of medications used in PD within the US as well as in Canada, describing the main categories of drug therapy often used in PD, which may be a helpful refresher for some readers. We at Stanford Parkinson's Community Outreach listened to the webinar and are sharing our notes. Note there is a recording error. Audio begins three minutes into the webinar.
Webinar Notes on the Stanford PD Community Blog
My Parkinson's Story: Medications
By the Veteran's Administration
This 8-minute video alternates between an interview with a man and his wife and doctors. The man and his wife share how medications controll his Parkinson's symptoms. The doctors explain how Parkinson's symptoms are controlled by dopamine replacement therapy, "On" and "Off" periods, the importance of taking medications on time every day and medication side effects.
The Many Forms of Carbidopa/Levodopa
By the American Parkinson Disease Association, January 8, 2024
In this 1-hour video a movement disorders specialist summarizes the many formulations of carbidopa/levodopa, including two approved by the FDA in 2024. Learn how doctors decide which formulation is best for you, when you should ask your doctor for a change in medication, what distinguishes the newest type of extended release capsules of carbidopa/levodopa from older versions, what subcutaneous levodopa is and when it is a good choice.
What and Why of Parkinson's Medications
American Parkinson Disease Association, Upper Midwest Chapter, November 20, 2020
On the Day 2 video of the Upper Midwest Parkinson's Symposium, movement disorders specialist Dr. Lynn Struck gives a quick summary of every medication related to treatment of Parkinson's symptoms, including the mechanism of operation, what it is best used for, side effects, and dosages. If you have ever been confused about why you are taking one thing and another person with PD is taking something different, watch this webinar!
What to do When Your Medications Stop Working
By the American Parkinson Disease Association, January 29, 2019
In this 55-minute webinar movement disorders specialist David Standaert, MD, PhD, provides an overview of how PD is diagnosed, the progression of symptoms, and discusses when someone may want to start taking medication. He then outlines which medications doctors have to choose from and in what combinations before discussing later stage symptoms of wearing off of medications, dyskinesia, cognitive changes/hallucinations, and how to compensate for these.
Your Role in Medications
By the Parkinson's Foundation, May 5, 2021
Movement disorder specialist Ihtsham Haq, MD, spoke for an hour on recognizing medication reactions, how to differentiate ON and OFF symptoms, and how care partners can help their loved one with Parkinson's navigate medication issues.
Webinar Notes on the Stanford PD Community Blog
Last updated January 2024 by Stanford Parkinson's Community Outreach.