The 4th Annual Medical and Bioscience Education Day / SIMEC V
Presented by the Teaching and Mentoring Academy and the Clinical Teaching Seminar Series
Teaching Matters:
Collaborating • Belonging • Inspiring
Saturday, October 3, 2020
via Zoom
All members of the Stanford Medicine community are invited to attend this event which will feature skill-building workshops, presentations of scholarship, networking opportunities and more.
Opening Plenary
9:00am - 10:10am
Bridging Troubled Waters: Challenges and Opportunities in Teaching Social Justice in Medicine
Ruth Shim, MD, MPH, Luke & Grace Kim Professor in Cultural Psychiatry, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, UC Davis
Medical education is dynamic and constantly changing. In recent years, students have amassed specialized education in social theories, including critical race theory, feminist theory, and queer theory, among others, and are well-equipped with academic rigor and specialized expertise in issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. At the same time, many educators are less familiar with this scholarship. This session will provide a primer on concepts of social justice and equity in the context of medical education and will discuss strategies for effectively bridging this divide.
Concurrent Workshop Session I
10:15am - 11:15am
8 MicroTweaks to Improve Your Teaching
Jay Phelan, PhD, Instructor, Life Sciences Core Curriculum, UCLA
Many recommendations for improving teaching are valid and important, but may be prohibitively challenging for instructors. In this lecture, I describe eight teaching techniques-"tweaks"- that are more easily implemented, as well as evidence for their value increasing student engagement and learning.
Strategies for Enhancing Virtual Education: Optimizing Your Teaching Using Zoom
Diane Lam, PhD, Associate Director, Faculty and Lecturer Programs, Center for Teaching and Learning
Malathi Srinivasan, MD, Clinical Professor, Medicine/Primary Care and Population Health
Teaching remotely on Zoom provides an opportunity to teach and build learner communities in a new way -- across time zones and health systems. To optimize learner success, educators must embrace and master the virtual education format tradeoffs. In this session, we will engage educators to optimize their Zoom interactions with learners, through hands on experience with: Maximizing their personal Zoom presence, coaching learners on their Zoom presence, making curricular modifications for virtual education for knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors, enhancing curricular reach with remote speakers and learners, creating group micro-assignments, using breakout sessions and multi-Zoom sessions, and using critical Zoom features: public and private chat, polling, annotating, screen sharing, reactions.
Together, Apart: Designing Rituals to Build Community
Meenu Singh, Learning Experience Designer, Lecturer, Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (
How might we make our virtual classrooms more human? In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to design and incorporate rituals into your virtual classroom to add structure and build community, even when you’re far apart. Along the way, you’ll stretch your divergent thinking muscles and learn how to leverage tech tools to craft dynamic, engaging learning experiences!
CTSS Plenary Session: CTSS Honors Scholars present their scholarship and works in progress.
CTSS Scholar Certificate Candidates
The Clinical Teaching Seminar Series (CTSS) is a year-long faculty development program in medical education, designed to introduce a clinical educators to fundamental concepts in education. The seminars are high-yield, relevant, and interactive, providing practical tips for bedside teaching, curriculum development, and education research.
The HONORS CERTIFICATE PROGRAM is meant to recognize participants with a dedication to medical education, who regularly attend the seminars and complete a scholarly project in medical education. The Honors Program is a multi-disciplinary program open to all medical students, residents, fellows, staff, and faculty with an interest in medical education. During this session CTSS Honors Scholars present their scholarship and works in progress.
Concurrent Workshop Session II
11:30am - 12:30pm
Simulation Based Mastery Learning: The Gold Standard
William Dixon, MD, MsED, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine
This session will combine lecture and experiential activity focused on building a simulation based mastery learning educational session. Simulation based mastery learning has an extensive body of evidence demonstrating high tier educational outcomes by focusing on expert demonstration, deliberate practice, and high expectations for expertise for a range of procedures and patient focused activities.
Stanford CASE (Clinical Assessment Simulation Engine): Assessment Tool for Clinical Critical Thinking
Sharon Chen, MD, Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases
In this workshop, participants will learn about a new cloud-based computer-patient assessment platform that can capture students justifications of clinical decisions about patients. Participants will learn about ways this assessment platform may be helpful for their use case.
Instructional Peer Observation: A Panel’s Shared Experiences
Al'ai Alvarez, MD, FACEP, FAAEM, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine
Danit Ariel, MD, MS, Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine--Endocrinology, Gerontology, and Metabolism
Adam Hain, MAEd, Associate Director for Instructional Development, Office of Evaluation & Instructional Development
Malathi Srinivasan, MD FACP, Clinical Professor, Medicine--Primary Care and Population Health
Diane E. J. Stafford, MD, Clinical Professor, Pediatrics--Endocrinology and Diabetes
The Instructional Peer Observation Program at Stanford School of Medicine is a partnership between the Teaching and Mentoring Academy and the Evaluation and Instructional Development department. Faculty of all levels are invited to participate in the program, engage in robust dialog, and create a community of practice, with the ultimate goal of strengthening teaching. During this session we will introduce our instructional peer observation model and the evidence supporting similar communities. Panel participants from the program will share their experiences both of observing colleagues and being observed in varied teaching environments: lecture, small group and clinical. Pearls and pitfalls of using various rubrics, skill building, vulnerabilities and growth mindset, community building, and the value of teaching, as well as adapting the program to remote environments will be addressed. Our goal is to share the breadth of experiences, model transparency, describe accessibility of the program, and encourage new participants.
Lunch Break & Wellness Sessions
Lunch Break: 12:30pm - 1:15pm
Wellness Sessions: 12:45pm - 1:15pm
Restorative Yoga with YogaX
Dr. Heather Freeman, YogaX Program Manager, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
This 30 minute live-streamed class explores gentle movement, breath, and mindfulness to to support relaxation, healthful rest, and enhanced resilience. Props needed are a mat, two yoga bricks or stacked books, bolster/pillows, and a blanket/bath towel.
Gentle Yoga for Wellness and Belonging
Christiane Brems, Clinical Professor & Director, YogaX, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
This 30-minute gentle yoga practice incorporates movement and breath work for rejuvenation. The class is appropriate for all levels and offers experiential practices that are accessible and inclusive. Focus will be on refreshing body, breath, and mind after a morning of learning and concentrating.
Self-Compassion and Medicine
Al'ai Alvarez, MD, Assistant Residency Program Director and Clinical Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine
Maryam Hamidi, PhD, Associate Director of Scholarship & Health Promotion, WellMD Center
Lars Osterberg, MD, MPH, Associate Professor (Teaching), Department of Medicine
During this lunch session, we will discuss the importance of self-compassion in medicine. We will explore the science behind compassion, and we will facilitate a guided self-compassion meditation.
Poster Session
1:15pm - 2:00pm
Surgery Curriculum for Non-Surgical Residents
Ioana Baiu, MD, MPH, Surgery
Using Project ECHO® for Distance Training of Pediatrics Residents in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
Christina Buysse, Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Barbara Bentley, Clinical Associate Professor, Affiliated, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford
Introduction of Wound Care Curricula during Surgery Clerkship
Garrison Carlos, Resident Physician, General Surgery
Can an Early Decision Program Work for Residency Applications?
Michael Dacre, Medical Student, Stanford School of Medicine
Breaking Habits: Strategies to Countering Unconscious Bias
Monique De Araujo, Resident Physician, Pediatrics
Roy Collins, Resident Physician, Psychiatry
Developing Climate-Aware Physicians Through Education Reform
Tanvi Jayaraman, Medical Student, Stanford School of Medicine
Applying the Learning Sciences to Teach Expert Clinical Reasoning in Undergraduate Medical Education
Candice Kim, Medical Student and PhD candidate, Stanford School of Medicine and Graduate School of Education
A Case Study of Technology-Driven Workplace-Based Assessment Utilizing Entrustable Professional Activities in Emergency Medicine Residency Training
Xichong Liu, Medical Student and Research Assistant, Stanford School of Medicine annd Department of Emergency Medicine
An Electronic Chart Intervention to Improve Safety for Patients on Chronic Opioid Therapy
Mingyi Lu, Graduate Student, Electrical Engineering
Importance of Rapid Curriculum Design in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Alana O'Mara, Medical Student, Stanford School of Medicine
The Prevalence of Disability Health Training and Residents with Disabilities in Emergency Medicine Residency Programs
Richard Sapp, Medical Student, Stanford School of Medicine
Investigating the Impact of a Foundational Relationship-Centered Communication Training on Pediatric Residents' Practice, Perspectives, and Opportunities to Develop Expertise
Sarah Kate Selling, Medical Student, Stanford School of Medicine
Entice with Procedures, Inspire with Primary Care: A Pre-Clerkship Pipeline Course
Vinita Shivakumar, Medical Student, Stanford School of Medicine
Tracy Rydel, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Primary Care and Population Health, Department of Medicine, Stanford
The App for All "A-round" Learning: A Mobile Application Intervention to Support Self-Directed Learning and Feedback During Residency Education
Meenu Singh, Learning Experience Designer, Lecturer, Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (
Student Community OutReach and Physician Support (S-CORPS): Educating Medical Students and Enhancing Patient Support During the COVID-19 Crisis
Lydia Tam, Medical Student, Stanford School of Medicine
Jonathan Lu, Medical Student, Stanford School of Medicine
Cue-Centered Therapy Online Training: An Innovative Tool for Mental Health Practitioners to Aid Healing of Chronically Traumatized Youth
Selma Tanovic, Resident Physician, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Victor Carrion, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Simulation-Based Mastery Learning to Teach Distal Radius Fracture Reduction
Georgia Toal, Medical Student, Stanford School of Medicine
Development of Virtual Flipped-Classroom Seminar Integrating Innovation and Pathophysiology
Paul Wang, Professor of Medicine and Bioengineering (by courtesy)
Ross Venook, Instructor, Bioengineering
Using a Relationship-Centered Communication Course to Improve Physician Wellness and Patient Satisfaction: The Impact of the Advancing Communication Excellence at Stanford (ACES) Course
Merisa Kline, Program Manager, Service Excellence, Stanford Healthcare
Jonathan Altamirano, Senior Research Data Analyst, Pediatrics--Infectious Diseases
Magali Fassiotto, Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Diversity
Barbette Weimer-Elder, Director, Physician Partnership Program, Service Excellence
Pharm Atlas: A Visual Learning Tool to Learn Physiology and Pharmacology
Aydin Zahedivash, Resident Physician, Pediatrics
Closing Plenary & Conference Close
2:00pm - 3:15pm
Talk Matters: Exploring Instructor Talk – Non-Content Classroom Language that May Mediate Student Inclusion, Engagement, and Learning
Kimberly Tanner, PhD, Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University
Through the language they use, instructors create classroom environments that have the potential to impact learning by affecting student motivation, resistance, belonging, and self-efficacy. Despite the critical importance of instructor language to the student experience, few instructors have focused on the non-content language being used in classrooms. We have systematically investigated this “Instructor Talk,” namely all the instructor language used in class sessions that is not directly related to course content. In this interactive session, participants will engage with colleagues in reflecting on their own memories of Instructor Talk, categorizing multiple samples of Instructor Talk, and strategizing about how increased attention to Instructor Talk could support them in to creating inclusive learning environments.