Educator's Portfolio

The Teaching and Mentoring Academy's Educator's Portfolio was developed in collaboration with the TMA Steering Committee and the Office of Academic Affairs. We would especially like to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Sharon Chen (Clinical Professor, Pediatrics--Infectious Diseases) and Dr. Douglas Fredrick (Professor of Ophthalmology, Oregon Health & Science University), The purpose of the Educator's Portfolio is to elevate visibility and recognition of teaching and mentoring contributions of School of Medicine faculty. The portfolio may be submitted for consideration as part of a faculty member's promotion process​. It is optional and should be included only when it adds substantial clarity and information not otherwise presented in the CV and Candidate's Statement. It is also required for individuals seeking to become Distinguished Members of the Teaching and Mentoring Academy. 

The Innovator's Portfolio was developed by Dr. Paul Wang (Professor of Medicine--Cardiovascular Medicine and, by courtesy of Bioengineering) and Dr. Paul Yock (the Martha Meier Weiland Professor in the School of Medicine, Professor of Bioengineering and, by courtesy, of Mechanical Engineering). The purpose of the Innovator's Portfolio is to allow faculty to highlight innovations in healthcare systems, direct patient impact, or teaching innovations that are not necessarily reflected in publications or documentation of teaching efforts in the Educator's Portfolio. This portfolio may be submitted for consideration as part of a faculty member's promotion process. It is optional and should be included only when it adds substantial clarity and information not otherwise presented in the CV and Candidate's Statement.