Stanford Health Professions Education and Scholarship (SHAPES)

(Formerly known as the Clinical Teaching Seminar Series)

The Stanford Health Professions Education and Scholarship (SHAPES) is a one to two year-long professional development program in medical education, designed to introduce clinical educators (faculty, fellows, residents, and students) to fundamental concepts in education. 

The Honor Scholars Certificate Program is now closed.
Application cycle opens in August 2025.

2024 - 2025 Seminar Schedule

All session begin at 5:15pm via Zoom

All are welcomed to attend (even if not part of the Honor Scholars Program)

September 11, 2024

5:15pm - 7:00pm

Curriculum Development

In this session, participants will learn how to develop a well-designed, impactful curriculum. Using a combination of interactive large groups and small groups, participants will learn the 6 steps of Kern's Curriculum Development through applying it to the development of their own curriculum. This session works best when participants come with an idea of a curriculum they would like to develop -- but please come even if you don't have an idea for developing a curriculum.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe Kern’s 6-Step Approach to Medical Education Curriculum Development
  • Apply Kern’s 6-Step Approach to Creating a Novel Curriculum


Seminar Recording

October 2, 2024

5:15pm - 6:15pm

Planning and Implementing Your Educational Innovation: Planning the IRB and Your Quantitative Methods

Your educational innovation is going to change the field, and inspire your learners to be their best... but, can you measure their success, implement your program ethically, and share your lessons with others? In this seminar, we will review core principles in ethically conducted educational research -- including navigating IRB protocols -- and core principles in measuring your educational outcomes. Bring your educational innovations, since the workshop will ask you to share your ideas in breakout groups.
Learning Objectives
  • Consider ethical considerations around establishing trust in medical education and protection of our learners. 
  • Consider types of outcomes you can measure and your analytic techniques based on your study design 
  • Determine which ethics review category is appropriate for your Institutional Review Board submission, based on your intervention and measured outcomes

Seminar Recording
Supplemental Handout

October 19, 2024

7th Annual Medical & Bioscience Education Day Conference / SIMEC IX

Saturday, October 19th | 9:00am - 3:00pm | LKSC - Berg Hall

This year’s conference theme, "The Learner and Educator Approach to Modern Health Professions Education: Building Bridges", focuses on the evolving dynamics between cultural norms and traditional educational practices. The theme emphasizes the importance of bridging gaps and fostering mutual understanding between different perspectives, particularly in areas such as feedback, professionalism, professional identity, and self-care. Join us as we build bridges and shape the future of health professions education together. Stay tuned for the latest information and updates on our website.

This year’s conference will include:

  • Interactive & Engaging Workshops

  • SHAPES Presentations of Scholarly Work in Medical Education

  • Table Topics 

  • Resource Fair

  • Poster Session

TMA in collaboration with SIMEC present the Education Day Conference / SIMEC VIII. This will give the honor scholars a chance to present their final project in medical education in-person at this all day event. 

November 6, 2024

5:15pm - 6:15pm

Types of Educational Scholarship and Developing a Question

This session will review the diversity of approaches to medical education scholarship and how to create a good research question in medical education. Participants will have the opportunity to practice creating research questions to align with different research approaches.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review types of medical education scholarship and examples of these types.
  • Discuss frameworks for creating a research question.
  • Practice developing a research question.

Seminar Recording

December 4, 2024

5:15pm - 6:15pm

Survey Methods: How to Get High Quality Data

This session is designed to help people execute effective surveys by empathizing with survey respondents, writing clear questions, and identifying common patterns in problematic survey responses. It will cover these topics: 1) Should I do a survey? 2) How should I design & deliver my survey? 3) What questions should I ask? and 4) How do I start analyzing my data?
Learning Objectives:

  • List key factors in survey design that help achieve high-quality responses and a high response rate.
  • Identify common mistakes in question writing that undermine data quality.

January 15, 2025

5:15pm - 6:15pm

Qualitative Methods: How to Analyze Open-Ended Survey Questions 

We often gather qualitative data in our surveys, and then wonder "how can I systematically analyze these questions"? In this session, we will explore analytic approaches to qualitative survey data, consider how to themes and/or counts will answer your research questions, and discuss how to apply to your research study. Bring your surveys and medical education ideas as we delve into how to address qualitative survey questions!

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Discuss preliminary analytic considerations
  • Describe common analytic approaches to qualitative analysis
  • Compare and contrast content and thematic analysis approaches for survey questions
  • Practice doing content or thematic analysis 


Seminar Recording


February 5, 2025

5:15pm - 6:15pm | In-Person in LKSC 101/102

LKSC, Roth Way Garage and Stock Farm Garage, indicated by the blue circle on this map, offer free parking after 4pm. There is handicap parking in the lot near LKSC. To get directors in Google Maps enter:

  • Roth Way Garage - 355 Roth Way, Stanford, CA 94304
  • Stock Farm Garage - 360 Oak Rd, Stanford, CA 94304

Creativity and Learning

In decades past, researchers looked for the underlying traits that made a more creative person.  More recently, research has examined strategies that increase creative output.  This talk presents research on harnessing creativity to support the learning of complex concepts, for example, in statistics.  The talk will describe four design principles for developing tasks that support creativity in the service of learning.

Please join us for our in-person February seminar with Daniel Schwartz, Dean of the Graduate School of Education, presenting on Creativity and Learning. Come reconnect with the SHAPES community and learn from this dynamic and engaging leader in the field of Education. 

Seminar Recording

March 5, 2025

5:15pm - 6:15pm

Best Practices in Competency-Based Assessment

Holly Caretta-Weyer, MD, MHPE
We will cover the key components of competency-based medical education and assessment using EPAs and a programmatic approach.
Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the core components of competency-based medical education. 
  2. Define entrustable professional activities. 
  3. Consider ways to implement best practices in programmatic assessment within your own context.

Feedback in Medical Education

Marianne Chen, MD
In this session, we will define feedback and describe its role in the educational alliance between teacher and learner. There will be an opportunity to practice using evidence-based feedback frameworks. We will also discuss strategies for feedback challenges.
Learning Objectives
  1. Define feedback and discuss its importance in the clinical learning environment.
  2. Describe evidence-based feedback frameworks.
  3. Discuss strategies for challenging feedback.

April 2, 2025

Dissemination Strategies in Medical Education

The session will be interactive to address questions commonly asked about dissemination. They include: How do academics successfully disseminate their products? How do you choose the right platform to disseminate educational scholarship? How come some are very successful and others are not? What resources are needed? How do you determine authorship?

Learning Objective
By the end of this session participants will be able to:

  1. Reflect on their own interests and behaviors to plan for dissemination.
  2. Explain how to plan for dissemination, make choices and optimize for success. 

May 7, 2025

Bedside Teaching: Enhancing Your Clinical Teaching… While Preserving Efficiency

Clinical teaching has multiple benefits, not only for learners, but also for patients and the educators themselves. Teaching evaluations are often used towards promotion packages. And teaching is a source of professional fulfillment for many of us. However, our busy clinical loads often make this feel like an uphill battle. This session will help you make small adjustments to your teaching style with big results, even when it's busy!

Learning Objective
By the end of this session participants will be able to:

  1. Reflect on why we (should) teach at the bedside (and why we don’t)
  2. Review examples of really efficient teaching modalities you could implement right away
  3. Practice one of these skills here, among friends and colleagues
  4. Explore one new bedside teaching resource

June 4, 2025

June 6th via Zoom from 5:15pm - 6:15pm 

Honors Scholars Presentations via Zoom for those who cannot attend in-person for the Education Day Conference

About the SHAPES Program

WHAT is Stanford Health Professions Education and Scholarship? The Stanford Health Professions Education and Scholarship (formerly known as CTSS) is a one to two year-long professional development program in medical education, designed to introduce clinical educators to fundamental concepts in education. The seminars are high-yield, relevant, and interactive, providing practical tips for bedside teaching, curriculum development, and education research.  This Program is a joint collaboration between multiple departments at the School of Medicine, administered by the Evaluation and Instructional Development Department.  

It is structured with monthly seminars, usually on the first Wednesday of the month.  Seminars are on topics of curriculum development and research methods in medical education. The Stanford Health Professions Education and Scholarship Program is an interprofessional and interdisciplinary community of educators that draws upon collegiality and mentorship to create, deploy, and evaluate your teaching/education project. This works best if you have a project to anchor your work through the seminars.

WHAT is the Honors Scholars Certificate Program? This is our medical education certificate program. Those who apply detail a project to work on and attend 7 seminars in one year (or 10 in two years). These scholars present their projects at either the annual conference or at the last session in June. They will be asked to discuss projects in small groups. More information and guidelines.

WHO Can Attend the Seminars? All are welcome to attend/audit our seminar series: faculty, fellows, residents, students, and staff with an interest in medical education. This is an interdisciplinary medical education community for those in and around Stanford to support scholarship and curricula relating to the clinical environment. Those affiliated with Stanford are welcome.

Stanford Health Professions Education and Scholarship Program Leadership: Becky Blankenburg (Peds), Kiran Brar (SOM), Marianne Chen(Anesth), James Korndorffer (Surg), Adam Hain (SOM), James Lau (Surg), Sylvia Bereknyei Merrell (Surg), Lars Osterberg (IM, TMA), Stefanie Sebok-Syer (EM), Malathi Srinivasan, (PCPH), Pedro Tanaka (Anesth), Sarah Williams (EM)

Honors Certificate in Medical Education Oversight Committee:

Rebecca Blankenburg, MD, MPH, Sylvia Bereknyei-Merrell DrPH, MS, Kiran Brar, MS, Marianne Chen, MD, Adam Hain, DET, MAEd, James Korndorffer, MD, MHPE, FACS, Lars Osterberg, MD MPH, Stefanie Sebok-Syer, PhD, Malathi Srinivasan, MD, FACP, Pedro Tanaka, MD, PhD, Sarah Williams MD, MHPE

If you are have any questions, please email Claire Medina (