Membership to the Academy
All Teaching and Mentoring Academy programs and resources are available to any faculty, educators, trainees and mentors within the School of Medicine.
Individuals with a passion for teaching and mentoring can apply to join this community and be affiliated with the Academy. As our portfolio grows, we plan to establish membership levels, based on individual contributions highlighted through a teaching portfolio, and will encourage members of our community to apply. Members of the Academy will play a critical role in sustaining and advancing Academy programs.
Membership Benefits
Membership in the Teaching and Mentoring Academy provides professional and personal incentives.
These include:
• Opportunities to participate more fully in professional development activities.
• Access to teaching and mentoring skill development.
• Networking with educators at Stanford University, nationally, and internationally.
• Opportunities for collaborative scholarship.
• Assistance developing and maintaining your Teaching Portfolio.
Academy membership applications for the 2022-2023 academic year is now closed. Please contact Claire Medina ( for more information.
Membership Levels
Basic Membership
Associate Membership
Distinguished Membership