7.2: Tuition & Fees

Tuition Structure

Regular quarterly tuition for the 2024-25 academic year, payable Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer quarters, is as follows:

School of Medicine (M.D. Program)*


Medical School Research Rate


Graduation Quarter


  • Students may enroll in 39 units during Autumn Quarters (Q1 and Q4) for the MD tuition rate, and will be charged $1,496 per unit for each unit above 39. In all other quarters, students may enroll in 26 units before per unit tuition rate is assessed. For complete tuition information, see the Stanford University Registrar's Office Tuition and Fees web site.

Cost of Attendance

Bill and Payment System

Prior to each academic quarter, you will receive an electronic Student Account Statement (bill) from Stanford University's Office of Student Financial Services. This bill lists all term-based charges (ex: tuition, ASSU fees, health insurance, medical disability insurance and room and board, if applicable). Your financial aid package will appear on your bill as "anticipated aid.” When you have satisfied all requirements for the disbursement of financial aid, your "anticipated aid” will be applied to your account.

TA & RA Rates

Graduate Cash Advance

MD students may request a Graduate Cash Advance against anticipated aid if needed prior to the quarterly financial aid disbursement date. Please be sure you have sufficient financial aid to cover your quarterly bill plus the advance prior to applying. Advanced funds will be repaid when financial aid disburses. If your aid does not cover the advance, you will owe the difference.

updated August 2024