3.14: Safety Training

Bloodborne Pathogens Training

The California OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard requires that all individuals with occupational exposure to blood, blood products, or other potentially infectious materials complete a bloodborne pathogens training course ANNUALLY. This requirement applies to all medical students. Stanford University’s Bloodborne Pathogens training course is a web-based module that takes approximately one-half hour to complete.

Pre-clerkship students will not receive credit for the Practice of Medicine (POM) course until they have completed this training (both years). Clinical students are not able to enter the Clerkship Draw until they have completed this training.

The training module is self-paced and is accessible through STARS. Log into AXESS and click the STARS tab. In the Search Catalog box, enter the course title “Bloodborne Pathogens” or the course code EHS-PROG-1600.

Safety and Emergency Preparedness Training

All medical students are required to complete the following three online courses:

  • General Safety, Injury Prevention (IIPP) and Emergency Preparedness (EHS-4200)
  • Biosafety (EHS-1500)
  • Chemical Safety for Labs (EHS-1900) - required of all MD students in laboratories. Compliance is monitored by the lab administrators

These courses are also accessed through STARS. Pre-clerkship students will not receive credit for POM until they have completed this training.

updated August 2024