6.5: Chart of Responses to Student Issues

Based on Stanford School of Medicine policies, should a student’s performance result in an academic, professionalism or technical standards concern, the Committee on Performance, Professionalism and Promotion (CP3) may prescribe a course of action in its discretion, and depending upon the individual student circumstances.

  • Actions taken by the CP3 may include (but are not limited to) those listed in Section 6.4.C. of the MD Handbook and Policy Manual and the following:
    • Students will appear on the CP3 agenda for discussion and may be required to provide a written remediation plan prior to the CP3 meeting.
    • Students may be given a prescribed and restricted curriculum (including the discontinuation of activities such as extracurricular activities, RA-ships and TA-ships, laboratory research, community service, etc.) for a time specified by the CP3.
    • Students may be required to participate in the CP3 Process for Addressing Substantive Concerns.
    • An administrative hold may be placed on a student’s enrollment for one or more quarters or until a deficiency has been remediated.

updated August 2024