Fellowship: If you need a Letter of Recommendation from the Program Director, please complete the Qualtrics survey via the link below. You will need a copy of your CV to upload. In addition, you must email the Program Director (Carrie Rassbach) and Residency Coordinator (Michelle Brooks), notifying them that you are requesting a Letter of Recommendation.
Please note, the survey asks for some information which you will not yet have at the time of submitting your request--that is okay and you should still submit to provide adequate time for the LOR to be prepared. The survey asks you which fellowship programs you are applying to, but this does not need to be your final choices. It also asks to upload your ERAS form (see sample here), which provides your LOR writers with instructions on submitting their LOR into your application; you will not have this until June when you can access the electronic application. Once you have this form, email it to Michelle Brooks.
Jobs: If you need a Letter of Recommendation from the Program Director, please complete the Qualtrics survey via the link below. You will need a copy of your CV to upload. In addition, you must email the Program Director (Carrie Rassbach) and Residency Coordinator (Michelle Brooks), notifying them that you are requesting a Letter of Recommendation.
Follow this link to the Qualtrics Survey*:
Take the Survey
*Please allow at least two weeks turnaround from the time you submit the Qualtrics request.