Child Neurology Schedule

The first two years are dedicated to pediatrics, the final three years are to specialize in Neurology and Child Neurology.

Yellow highlight indicates 42 week ambulatory requirement

Blue highlight indicates 20 week subspecialty elective

*Pediatric blocks include: 3 ED/acute illness; 1 behavioral/developmental pediatrics; 1 adolescent medicine; 1 mental health; 2 gen ambulatory peds; 1 subs ambulatory; 1 additional ambulatory; 1 term newborn, 6 inpatient rotations; 1 NICU; 1 PICU; 1 NICU/PICU; 5 subs electives; 5 electives; 4 supervisory 

**Coverage may be required on weekend during class events, holidays

***Schedule is subject to change to meet educational and coverage needs

PGY3-PGY5 Schedule

Over the course of three years, Child Neurology residents spend approximately 12 months on adult (6 inpatient and 6 outpatient months) and 12 months on child neurology, with the remainder devoted to subspecialty rotations and electives. Child neurology rotations take place at either Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital or Santa Clara Valley Medical Center.

At Stanford, clinical experience in both child and adult neurology starts in the first year and continues through all three years. This differs from many other programs where the first year is spent entirely on adult neurology as a junior resident, and the subsequent two years are spent on child neurology, electives, and other rotations. Typically, child neurology residents spend more time on adult neurology in Year 1 (e.g., 8 months), and then concentrate on child neurology for the majority of time during Year 2 and 3 (e.g., 4 months over 2 years). The Stanford system has the advantages of exposing residents early to child neurology and providing a more diverse adult neurology experience through the 3 years of training. 

Subspecialty neurology clinics at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital include epilepsy, stroke, neuro-oncology, neonatal neurology, movement disorders, neuromuscular and muscular dystrophy, white matter disorders, neuropsychopharmacology, neuropsychology, and neurogenetics. All residents maintain a continuity clinic at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital throughout their three years of training. The clinic is one afternoon per week.

All the electives available to Adult Neurology residents may be customized to include pediatric exposure and the specific interests of the Child Neurology resident. Other electives include child psychiatry, genetics and metabolism, neuroradiology, neuro-ophthalmology, and developmental pediatrics Approximately 10 or more months are available for electives. Residents typically use this time to carry out research projects or to gain subspecialty experience in disciplines such as neuroradiology, neuropathology, neuromuscular diseases/EMG, epilepsy/EEG, multiple sclerosis, movement disorders, sleep disorders, neuro-oncology, and behavioral neurology. Off-site electives are possible with special arrangement. Residents are required to take their vacation (3 weeks per year) during elective blocks.

Residents are highly encouraged to pursue mentored clinical or basic science research. Residents may use elective time to pursue formal training in research methodology through courses offered throughout the Stanford campus. A research block of up to 6 months may be arranged during residency as part of the Neuroscience Scholar Track. Alternatively, the Neuroscience Scholar Track permits funded research for an additional year after neurology residency. The Department also maintains a R25 grant to facilitate resident entry to mentored research.