About the Program

Stanford Immunology is home to faculty, students, postdocs, and staff who work together to carry out internationally recognized research in immunology. The long tradition of collaboration among the immunology laboratories at Stanford fosters productive interdisciplinary research, with an emphasis on the application of molecular approaches to problems in cellular, translational, and clinical immunology. Faculty research interests include both basic science research and bench-to-bedside approaches, as well as computational and systems immunology. Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars receive high caliber, state-of-the art training through their participation in research, teaching, seminars, journal clubs, and the annual Stanford Immunology Scientific Conference.





Olivia Martinez, PhD

Co-Director, Stanford Immunology
Chair, PhD Program in Immunology
Professor of Surgery, Abdominal Transplantation

Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars receive high caliber, state-of-the art training 

Program History

The PhD Program in Immunology, founded in 1988, is one of fourteen Stanford Biosciences programs. The goal of the PhD Program in Immunology is to provide outstanding training and education for obtaining the PhD degree in Immunology and to develop young investigators who will carry out innovative research in the field. Our 60 graduate students benefit greatly from the long tradition of collaboration among the immunology laboratories, with an emphasis on the application of cutting edge approaches to problems in cellular, molecular, computational, and clinical immunology. Immunology faculty members are leaders in their respective areas of research, and often incorporate bench to bedside approaches. Our PhD core coursework requirements plus strong electives in related disciplines provide an integrated curriculum that spans basic and clinical immunology. Students can choose from either the Molecular, Cellular, and Translational Immunology (MCTI) track or the Computational and Systems Immunology (CSI – founded in 2011) track. Graduate students in immunology actively participate in seminars, journal clubs, and the annual Stanford Immunology Scientific Conference at Asilomar. Students have access to state-of-the-art research facilities in the immunology laboratories, located in various departments in the School of Medicine, the Department of Biological Sciences, and the Palo Alto Veteran's Administration Medical Center.

Program Charter