Computational & Systems Immunology Seminars Series 2018

Effective modeling, acquisition and mining of data have become crucial for solving important problems in
immunology. This seminar series explores novel molecular and computational approaches to
interrogating outstanding questions in immunology and related fields. Speakers are invited to share their
insights into the state-of-the-art trends and their advice on navigating a systems immunology career. 

The seminar is free and open to the public. It also functions as a class called IMMUNOL 310.

When: Tuesdays at 4:30 - 5:20 PM
Where: Li Ka Shing Learning & Knowledge Center (LKSC), Room 130

Course Website:

June 26

Meromit Singer
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Utilizing single-cell transcriptomics to elucidate T cell diversity and function in cancer and autoimmunity

July 10

Leeat Keren
Stanford University

A structured Tumor-Immune Microenvironment in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Revealed by Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging

July 17

CANCELLED: Burkhard Becher
University of Zurich

GM-CSF: communication between T cells and phagocytes in inflammation

July 24

Peggie Cheung
Stanford University

Single-cell chromatin modification profiling reveals increased epigenetic variations with aging

July 31

Kole Roybal
University of California San Francisco

Engineering the Next Generation of Immune Cell Therapies for Cancer

August 7

Houston Gilbert

Accelerating clinical development in immuno-oncology

August 14

Vesteinn Thorsson
Institute for Systems Biology

The Immune Landscape of Cancer