Defense Videos
After years of research on their dissertation topic, PhD candidates present their work and field questions from students, faculty, and postdoctorals. Professors on the dissertation committee then confer privately, and render their vote to the student.
In 2020, a defense on Zoom included a circle of attendees that is no longer restricted by geography — friends, parents, and other family members were able to join from around the world.
Below are short videos with screenshots of some of the Immunology graduate student defenses.
To view upcoming Immunology defenses, visit the Defenses page.
Sarah Barnes
Engleman Lab | May 17, 2021
Kartik Bhamidipati
Robinson Lab | June 16, 2021
Aditya Rao
Khatri Lab | July 14, 2021
Amber Moore
Palmer Lab | July 29, 2021
Lawrence Bai
Habtezion Lab | August 5, 2021
Caleb Glassman
Garcia Lab | August 13, 2021