Biomedical and Bioscience Industry Expo (BBIE)
BBIE is an interdisciplinary career exposition for Stanford medical students, Ph.D. candidates, postdoctoral scholars, and graduate students from the Biosciences community at Stanford Schools of Medicine, Engineering, and Humanities & Sciences. Stanford Biosciences comprises over 14 programs in high-reward research and innovation.
What is the Biomedical & Bioscience Industry Expo (BBIE)?
The Biomedical & Bioscience Industry Expo is an annual event that was originally developed by the student group Stanford Biosciences Students Association (SBSA) and is currently hosted by BioSci Careers. More than just a career fair, the event allows students to develop relationships with a core group of companies and professionals from various sectors. BBIE is also a formal channel for learning about job opportunities and company culture, it showcases current research and trends, and stimulates the exchange of scientific ideas and dialogue between employers and Stanford students, alumni, and faculty.
Participation in BBIE is free for all Stanford trainees and alumni. Trainees include undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, medical students, and residents.
For students/trainees, event highlights include:
- Connections to employers in biotechnology, business, entrepreneurship, education, communications, government, healthcare, consulting, and law
- Opportunities for interaction/career coaching with our career counselors
- Networking with alumni, company representatives, and peers
- Easy access to companies and organizations
Most of our employers hire graduate students because of both their direct scientific knowledge and their transferable skill sets, which include innovative problem solving, analytical thinking, teamwork, and communication.
For employers, event highlights include:
- Connections and interaction with students/trainees from Schools of Medicine, Engineering, and Humanities & Sciences
- Group sessions and 1:1 interviewing opportunity with students/trainees
- Access to student/trainee profiles and resumes, allowing ease for follow-up
- Sponsors' benefits include featured jobs in BioSci Careers' Weekly Newsletter reaching 3500+ students and trainees, panelist opportunities, receptions, and more (sponsor benefits may vary every year)
- Opportunity to highlight your company culture and recruitment priorities