We offer curriculum to support your academic, professional, and career development and to help you identify your options, refine and experience various careers, and prepare to enter your career of choice.
ADAPT features programming and curriculum to help you integrate your training with the stages of your academic, professional, and career development.
Acclimation programs and activities are led by our partners below to welcome you to Stanford School of Medicine and familiarize you with the success factors of academic, research, and professional training. Their programs help you gain exposure to the academic and social environment at Stanford:
We offer programming related to Awareness, Development, Prep and Practice, and Transitions as outlined below.
Awareness panels and events help you identify career-of-choice options. As part of these events, you will learn about the different careers, sectors, and organizations in which you can leverage your professional training. Awareness panels and events highlight the following sectors and more:
- Academia and Education
- Biotech and Government research
- Biotech and Bioscience Industry Expo event (BBIE)
- Biotech Business
- Communications and Media
- Consulting
- Data Science
- Finance
- Healthcare
- Law
- Nonprofit
- Policy
Upcoming Awareness events
Click event titles to see more details and links for online registration
- Motivated Skills and Values
- myIDP
- Myers-Briggs Type Inventory
- StrengthsQuest
- Strong Interest Inventory
- Networking
- Social media
- Career Exploration Opportunities (CEO)
Upcoming Development events
Click event titles to see more details and links for online registration
- Biotechnology Business and Finance (SOMGEN 239)
- Biotechnology and Government Research (Coming soon!)
- Career Exploration Opportunities (CEO)
- Communications and Media (HRP 271)
- Consulting (SOMGEN 209)
- Law (SOMGEN 208; biannual offering)
- Policy (SOMGEN 211)
Upcoming Preparation events
Click event titles to see more details and links for online registration
- Career Expo Preparation
- Consulting clinic
- Internships
- Interviewing
- Job search
- Negotiation
- Resumes/CVs and cover letters
Immersion clinics allow for deeper preparation and feedback. These include:
- Academia application and interviews clinics
- Residency Interview clinic
Upcoming Transitions events
Click event titles to see more details and links for online registration
Class exercises were very helpful, as they allowed real-time application.