2024 SCI-JEDI Pilot Seed Grant
The grant supports individuals across the educational continuum, including doctoral students, faculty members, and staff, to facilitate projects that make progress toward inclusive excellence at the Stanford Cancer Institute.
We welcome projects that address and prioritize any of the following justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) aims.
- A more diverse community. Promote the recruitment, retention, career development, and advancement of individuals from groups historically underrepresented at all levels at the SCI.
- A culture of belonging. Enhance the capacity and impact of the SCI JEDI Office through intentional collaboration with the local community, the broader Stanford enterprise, including the SCI Office of Cancer Health Equity (OCHE) and the Office of Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination (CRTEC).
Leadership commitment and accountability. Drive and evaluate progress toward advancing a climate of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion at the SCI.
Open to SCI faculty, doctoral and post-doc students, and staff. All applications will need to identify a PI or mentor who is affiliated with SCI’s Research Program to apply.
Smaller projects from $2,000 are highly encouraged. Maximum funding is $25,000 per award.
Please contact Sei Lee at seilee@stanford.edu with any questions.