SCI Equity Impact Research Grants

Equity Impact Research Grants

In recent years, the incidence and mortality for most cancer types in California have declined; however, disparities persist for historically marginalized communities. For example, the cancer incidence rate for all cancers combined is lower among Black women and men compared to non-Hispanic white women and men, but death rates are higher. 

The Stanford Cancer Institute serves the diverse Santa Clara, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Alameda, Contra Costa, Monterey, San Benito, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Merced counties, prioritizing lung, breast, pancreatic, liver, and lymphoma cancers. In recognition of the needs of these 10 counties, the Stanford Cancer Institute (SCI) Office of Cancer Health Equity is calling for cancer health equity proposals. Applicants can respond to one or both of the below tracks. For both tracks, we welcome proposals that focus on these counties and priority cancers in addition to the incorporation of data collection and/or analysis component.

Challenge Awards will be granted for two years and up to $100,000. Seed Grants will be granted for one year and up to $50,000. 

Challenge Awards

The Challenge Awards track is focused on addressing strategies and methods to either increase or enhance opportunities for community-based screening interventions. This year we are partnering with the SCI Community Advisory Board (SCI-CAB) and other key stakeholders to address screening barriers and increase equitable opportunities for cancer screening and prevention. 

Proposals should include a component of community engagement and/or community partnership that focuses on delivering or improving screening efforts related to breast, pancreas, liver, or lung cancer.

Seed Grants

The Seed Grants track seeks to address and reduce cancer disparities among underserved populations in California. Applicants are not limited to a specific topic, cancer type, or study design. However, preference will be given to proposals that focus on counties served by the SCI and/or the following priority areas:

  • Understanding and addressing systemic, geographical and policy-driven factors that contribute to financial toxicity in underrepresented communities. 

  • Integrating cancer health equity and community engagement in the context of a basic science research program. 

  • Leveraging real-world data to reduce cancer disparities in California. 

2024 Awardees

2022 Awardees