In The News
October 2005
Palo Alto Weekly
The Line Between Faith And Science
This cover story discusses the ethical issues surrounding embryonic stem cell research. David Magnus and Irving Weissman are quoted.
Forum (KQED-FM)
During this live segment, David Magnus discussed Propositions 78 and 79, two opposing state measures that would provide prescription drug coverage.
San Francisco Chronicle
Hurricane Katrina/ Bay Area Response/ Storm Exposed Failures In Health System
During a panel discussion yesterday, medical school faculty discussed the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the fact that the poorest victims still lack access to care. Samuel LeBaron, David Magnus and Paul Wise were part of the panel and are quoted in this article.
Hurricane Health-Care Panel Oct. 24 At Stanford
David Magnus and other medical school faculty will talk about the disaster victims' medical problems as well as the disparities in treatment they have received based on race and class during In a panel discussion entitled, "Health-care issues and Hurricane Katrina" sponsored by the Center for Biomedical Ethics and the Center on Ethics.
San Francisco Chronicle
Ethical Debate Undeterred By New Research
David Magnus is quoted in this article on the ongoing debate over embryonic stem cell research. Irving Weissman is also quoted here.
San Francisco Chronicle
Is The Spa Doc In?/ Doctors Benefits As Much As The Patients At New Dental, Dermatological And Gynecological Spas
This article discusses the rising popularity of medical spas. David Magnus provides comment.
San Jose Mercury News
Clinic Searching For Egg Donors
South Korea is establishing an international consortium to generate hundreds of stem cell lines using somatic cell nuclear transfer, and a San Francisco fertility clinic will recruit local women to provide eggs for the research. David Magnus and Mildred Cho are referenced in this article. The piece also appears in the Contra Costa Times. (registration required)
NBC Nightly News
This segment discussed technology that allows a woman to freeze her eggs while she is young and to use them when she's ready to have a baby. David Magnus provided comment.
San Jose Mercury News
Don't Let Critics Stifle Stem-Cell Studies
In this opinion piece, David Magnus expresses his concerns about two recent Nature papers on alternative approaches to embryonic stem cell research. (registration required)
Stanford Daily
Professor Plans To Put Human Cells In Mouse Brains
Irving Weissman is quoted in this article on research involving chimeras. The story also quotes Hank Greely.
News Standard
Medical Marketing Needs Tighter Scrutiny, Group Says This article discusses how a personal privacy advocacy organization is calling for tighter federal regulation of drug-company marketing practices. David Magnus provides comment here.