Team Science Tuesday- Seminar Series

Team Science Tuesdays is a quarterly seminar series that utilizes case study presentations to illustrate how inclusive and diverse teams can facilitate successful translational/biomedical research. Researchers or teams of researchers are invited to present to an audience of trainees, research staff, and faculty about their approach to team science, what has worked well, and what challenges they had to overcome as a group to achieve their goals.

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The topic was "Team Science: What Are We Trying to Achieve and How Do We Get There?", and was presented by Dr. Kara L. Hall, a Senior Scientist, Director of the Science of Team Science (ScillS), and Program Director at the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Hall helped launch the Science of Team Science field through her leadership in conducting empirical studies, developing conceptual frameworks, creating evidence-based strategies and resources, editing special journal issues, chairing the Annual SciTS Conferences, and serving as founding board member of INSciTS and of the National Academies Committee on Science of Team Science. She is a recipient of more than 30 awards and honors from organizations such as the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology and the Society of Behavioral Medicine and she was awarded the American Psychological Association's Research Service Commendation for outstanding contributions to psychological science in the advancement of interdisciplinary team science.


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