
Graduate and Undergraduate

Education is a main focus of SCBE, with bioethics taught as a "vertical thread" throughout the medical school curriculum. Graduate level and undergraduate level courses are taught by Center faculty as well as other campus faculty.

Center faculty are also responsible for NIH-required coursework in ethics and scientific integrity, which is mandatory for all post-doctoral fellows and trainees in the School of Medicine. In addition, SCBE faculty frequently lecture on bioethics topics in a number of courses sponsored by other departments at Stanford, such as human biology, history and philosophy of science, business, health research and policy, psychology, education, and health and society. Numerous graduate and undergraduate students with an interest in bioethics are mentored each year.

TheĀ Biomedical Ethics and Medical Humanities Scholarly Concentration is part of the new initiative at Stanford University School of Medicine to enable medical students to study a chosen area in depth as a complement to the breadth of knowledge and skills gained by general medical education. BEMH is an opportunity for interested students to reflect on, analyze and contribute to the meaning of medicine by focusing on one (or more!) of the diverse fields that contribute to bioethics and/or the arts and humanities as related to medicine.

Course Offerings