Medicine & the Muse Program
The Medicine & the Muse Program is the home for the arts, humanities and applied social sciences at the medical school, with programs and academic courses that support diversity and inclusion and integrate the arts and humanities into medical education, scholarly endeavors, and the practice of medicine.
The Center for ELSI Resources and Analysis (CERA)
The Center for ELSI Resources and Analysis (CERA) is a collaboration and dissemination hub for the field of study focused on the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of genetics and genomics. It is funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute and managed by teams at Stanford and Columbia Universities in partnership with the Hastings Center and Case Western Reserve University. CERA convenes ELSI scholars, scientists, trainees, policymakers, journalists, and other genomics stakeholders to address emerging, high-priority issues in science, technology, and medicine. It provides the ELSIhub platform; creates curated resource sets and guidance; collaborates with scholarly journals, training programs, and affiliate organizations; and conducts innovative research to enhance the production, sharing, and use of ELSI scholarship.