In The News
May 2005
New York Times
South Korea Cloning Expert Criticizes Bush Policy
This article discusses the reaction of a South Korean researcher to the Bush administration's reluctance to fully support stem cell research in the U.S. David Magnus and Mildred Cho wrote a commentary on this researcher's recent work in Science, and that paper is referenced in this Reuters article. The article also appears on and and in the Washington Post.
San Francisco Chronicle
Fast-Moving Cloning Developments Spark New Worries
This article discusses developments in stem cell research and the importance of developing a unique set of protections for women who donate their eggs for stem cell research. David Magnus and Mildred Cho, are quoted. An article was also prepared by the San Francisco Business Times. (registration required)
Stem Cells: Big Step For A Controversial Science
South Korean scientists have created the world's first human embryonic stem cells that are customized to injured or sick patients. David Magnus and Mildred Cho wrote a commentary on the work in Science; Magnus is quoted here. Magnus and Cho are also referenced in an opinion piece in the Australian, and Paul Berg, the Robert W. and Vivian K. Cahill Professor of Cancer Research, Emeritus, is quoted in an article in Time.
USA Today
Killing Embryos Not Progress
This opinion piece on stem cell research references a Stanford paper published in last week's Science. David Magnus and Mildred Cho wrote the paper.
Lou Dobbs Tonight (CNN)
New York State's controller recently discovered that 200 convicted sex offenders received Medicaid-reimbursed Viagra in the past year. David Magnus provided comment during a segment.
New York Times
Hank Greely and Irving Weissman, the Virginia and DK Ludwig Professor for Clinical Investigation, are referenced in this?On Language? column. (registration required)
Stanford News
Stanford Bioethicists Want Stronger Protections For Women Donating Eggs For Stem Cell Research
Biomedical ethicists at Stanford say it's crucial to develop a unique set of protections for the women who donate their eggs for stem cell research.
New York Times
Scientists Clone Stem Cells From Human Patients
South Korean scientists have created the world's first human embryonic stem cells that are customized to injured or sick patients. David Magnus and Mildred Cho wrote a commentary on the work in Science. They are quoted in this Reuters article, as well as in an Associated Press article that appears on and in newspapers across the country. The Baltimore Sun, Boston Globe, Globe and Mail (Canada), Health Day, Los Angeles Times, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, National Post (Canada), San Jose Francisco Chronicle, San Jose Mercury News and Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) also prepared stories. (For a faxed copy of the National Post article, please contact our office: 723-6911.)
San Jose Mercury
Scientists Clone Stem Cells From Human Patients
An opinion piece written by David Magnus and Mildred Cho also appears in the San Jose Mercury News. (registration required)
Morning Edition (NPR)
Mildred Cho discussed the medical risks for women donating their eggs for stem cell research during this segment.
Mildred Cho discussed the medical risks for women donating their eggs for stem cell research during this segment.
New York Times
A Career Spent Learning How The Mind Emerges From The Brain
Judy Illes is quoted in this article on Michael Gazzaniga, a veteran neuroscientist and director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Dartmouth. (registration required)
Benton County Daily Record Liberties: What Rough Beasts?
Hank Greely is referenced in this opinion piece on chimeras. The New York Times piece also appears in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, Texas), Sarasota Herald Tribune (Sarasota, Fla.), St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and Tucson Arizona Daily Star (Tucson, Ariz.).
Michael Harbour, clinical assistant professor of medicine, provided comment on the new headquarters for the state's stem cell institute. Paul Berg was referenced during a similar segment on KTVU-TV, and Hank Greely, with the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, was interviewed on KCBS-AM.