Best Practices for Combined Sections (Crosslisted Courses)

Before a crosslisting is established, be sure to carefully review the following:

Multiple Course Offerings

Crosslisting in Coursedog

Scheduling in Coursedog: 

To combine sections in Coursedog, which syncs scheduling information, instructors, and enrollment capacities, carefully review the How-To Guide under “Navigate Combined Sections and Crosslisted Classes”.

When combining sections through the Section Relationship card in Coursedog, it is important to note that the scheduling information from the class that the request is initiated from, will override any existing information. For example, if scheduling information is entered for class A, and the sections are combined from class B, the scheduling information from class A will be overridden by class B (which if left blank, will remove all scheduling information). Best practice would be to add a blank section for class B, and then combine the sections through class A.

Room requests for crosslisted classes:

To maximize the potential of receiving a preferred room assignment, main campus departments should request main campus rooms, and SOM departments should request Med building spaces. Additional workflow is required when an alternative space is requested that may delay/decrease the likelihood of receiving a preferred space. For example if a Computer Science (CS) class is crosslisted with a Anesthesia (ANES) class, and the instructor prefers a main campus space, CS should follow the main campus room assignment process and request the space through their listing. If the instructor prefers a Med building space, the request should be through the ANES class following the Med building room assignment process, acknowledging time lines for each.

To request a Med building space, review the Medscheduler room request process. The SOM offering of the course should include the following information in Coursedog: meeting pattern, enrollment capacity, preferred room capacity, and at least one SOM room feature. A sample Med building request is available to review here. To request a main campus space, review the central University room request process. A sample main campus room request is available to review here. Note: it is critical to align any requested room features with the scheduling department - SOM features for Med building spaces, and non-SOM features for main campus spaces. If the features are not in alignment you will not receive a space as expected. Timelines for the applicable scheduling department are available here. Any questions regarding the reservation process can be directed to