Authority & Authorization

Technical authority/authorization  provides user access to certain protected data, functions, or interfaces. In some cases, attendance at a training event or orientation may be required before a staff member is granted access. The two essential tools to which staff need access in order to manage curriculum information are Coursedog and CPS CLSS. To request authority email 

PeopleSoft training (Student Records and Course Maintenance)

- Complete the class permissions training (this will allow you to generate codes for courses with required enrollment permissions)

Administrative authority — authority vested with certain roles, offices, or administrative entities — may be required to execute certain functions:

●  The Curriculum Administrator is the arbiter for the School of Medicine for most processes involved in curriculum management, and works closely with the Office of the University Registrar to ensure compliance with university standards and policies.
●  Department Course Administrators create, maintain, and modify information for existing courses, with some oversight and support from the Curriculum Administrator. Course Administors work with faculty from their department to ensure course information is accurate.
  If a course is to be instructed by someone who is not a member of the faculty, a current faculty member must sign off on the course as a sponsor for the instructor.
  Changes to any required ("core") course for the MD degree must be approved by the Committee on Curriculum and Academic Policy (CCAP) in the School of Medicine Faculty Senate. Staff or faculty interested in making such a change should contact the Office of Medical Education (OME), which supports CCAP and manages the MD curriculum.