Nutrition Studies Research Group


The Nutrition Studies Research Group is a strong and growing component of the Stanford Prevention Research Center. Our current research focuses directly on nutrition intervention studies. We aim to expand nutrition research beyond traditional nutrients and phytochemicals to focus more on dietary patterns, and beyond traditional outcome measures like cholesterol to include more recently-established risk factors for disease such as inflammatory markers and DNA-methylation. Dietary strategies for weight loss are also a topic of research interest.

Research Studies - Recruiting

We frequently recruit for our research studies. Use the buttons below to learn more about studies we are currently recruiting for.

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for Life

The Stanford WELL for Life Study (WELL) is a unique longitudinal study that uses novel methods to define, assess, and promote the multiple dimensions of well-being in the U.S. and globally.

Christopher Gardner, PhD

Director of Nutrition Studies at Stanford Prevention Research Center

The Rehnborg Farquhar Professor of Medicine at Stanford University

Plant-Based Diet Resources

Learn how to follow a healthy plant-based diet with this guide that highlights the four principles of a plant-based diet, key nutrients, sample menus, and recipes.

"You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment"

Our groundbreaking study comparing vegan vs. omnivorous diets in identical twins has hit the headlines after being published in JAMA Network Open. Even more thrilling?! It will be featured in the upcoming Netflix documentary "You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment", airing January 1! Tune in to discover how our research is influencing healthier eating habits both for individuals and the planet!



One identical twin went vegan while the other didn’t. See what happened

Twins who ate vegan diets for two months were healthier than their identical siblings who ate a meat and vegetable diet, a study found.

Washington Post

Scientists studied twins’ diets. Those who ate vegan saw fast results.

Stanford University researchers assigned vegan or meat diets to sets of identical twins. The results showed a large difference in health benefits.

Is a vegan diet really healthier than eating meat? Rare identical twin study offers answer

A study in identical twins compares whether a vegan or omnivore diet has more health benefits.

NBC Bay Area

Stanford professor on his twin diet study

A new Netflix series is all about a Stanford professor and his research about eating and he did it by enlisting the help of twins. NBC Bay Area’s Raj Mathai spoke to Dr. Christopher Gardner for some insight.


Is Eating a Plant-Based Diet Better?

Here's what the research says.