Research: The REAL Difference
As we see it, the most impactful type of nutrition science involves having real people in the real world eat real food and experience a real difference in their health and wellness. Human nutrition intervention studies are highly impactful, and at the same time among the most challenging types of studies to conduct (e.g., recruitment, adherence, retention). Most human nutrition studies involve a trade-off of rigor and generalizability:
- The most rigorous studies are done under tightly controlled conditions with small numbers of participants for short periods of time with very limited generalizability.
- The most generalizable studies are done with large groups of people for long periods of time which tends to limit the amount of control and rigor that can be exerted, which can limit the significance of the findings.
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WELL Study
WELL for Life wants to better understand what impacts your wellbeing now and over the course of your life. Join our team of 10,000 citizen scientists in the San Francisco Bay Area as we build the research to improve health and wellbeing for all. Click on the words below to complete the survey, and join the team here!