Food and Health Past Events

Stanford Food Summit

The first Stanford Food Summit was first held in the Fall of 2010 and demonstrated the breadth and depth of interest in food issues across the 7 schools of the University (Medicine, Earth Sciences, Business, Humanities & Sciences, Law, Education, and Engineering). The target audience was primarily academics. This successful collaboration continued to grow and ran through 2015. Summit agendas, speakers and videos are available.

Harnessing the Power of Food

April 21, 2015: Diet Confusion? Alkaline, Paleo, Ketogenic, Macrobiotic, or Vegan: Are any really anti-cancer? Help your patients navigate today's diet craze maze

  • Speaker: David Magnus, PhD, professor of medicine and biomedical ethics 


July 19, 2014: The Science and Alchemy of Yum in the Cancer-Fighting Kitchen

  • Speaker: Rebecca Katz, MS, Author, Educator and Culinary Translator
  • Speaker: Catherine McConkie, NC


March 17, 2014: "The anti-inflammatory diet and cancer" and "Nutritional influences on epigenetics and molecular signaling"

  • Speaker: Donald I Abrams, M.D., San Francisco General Hospital, Integrative Oncology, UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, Professor of Clinical Medicine, UCSF


November 20, 2013: During Cancer Treatment and Recovery

  • Speaker: Donald I Abrams, M.D., San Francisco General Hospital, Integrative Oncology, UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, Professor of Clinical Medicine, UCSF