Partner With Us

Getting Started: Researchers 

Thank you for your interest in Our Voice! We are excited to hear your ideas and explore a collaboration. 

Our Voice Research Collaborators include community-engaged researchers around the world who are looking for innovative methods for engaging with and amplifying the voices of community members in their research. Check out an example of a research/academic-based Our Voice project here.

Before starting the Our Voice process, we typically ask all partners to:


1. View this Research Collaboration Overview that outlines the key responsibilities of the Our Voice team, project facilitators, and participating citizen scientists during the Our Voice project.

2. Think through this form to help ideate an initial action plan for your project. 

3. Preview the Our Voice Collaboration Agreement for Researchers template for an understanding of the general terms of our collaborations. If you’d like to move forward with a project, we will ask you to sign this along with a Statement of Work describing the specifics of your project (scope, timeline, budget, etc.).

Once you’ve had a chance to review these materials and resources, contact us and let us know your collaboration ideas!

Our Voice Impact

"This experience has changed my life.  I see inadequacies everywhere I go as it relates to pedestrian access and safety.  I even stop [at] construction sites to remind them to be considerate of the handicapped in our community.  Thank you all so much for this awareness and empowerment to require change."

~ Pam Jiner, GirlTrek Advocacy Leader, Denver CO