Manitoba Our Voice Initiative

Project Description:

This project will test the feasibility of using the Discovery Tool© and Our Voice approach to explore aspects of age-friendliness/unfriendliness in a variety of community contexts in Manitoba, Canada.


  • Centre of Aging, University of Manitoba
  • Manitoba Our Voice Initiative Working Group  (Drs. Michelle Porter (Kinesiology and Recreation Management; Centre on Aging), Ruth Barclay (Physical Therapy), Verena Menec (Community Health Sciences), Richard Milgrom (City Planning), Jacquie Ripat (Occupational Therapy), Kate Sibley (Community Health Sciences), Gina Sylvestre (Geography), and Sandra Webber (Physical Therapy), and  Stephanie Chesser (Centre on Aging), as well as Ms. Connie Newman (Executive Director – Manitoba Association of Senior Centres)


  • University of Manitoba’s University Collaborative Research Program


  • Older adults

Research Question:

In this study’s first phase, the Discovery Tool© and Our Voice approach will be used to explore the facilitators and barriers to an age-friendly university—predominately in the winter months.  In subsequent phases, the study will seek to identify age-friendly and unfriendly community features in urban and rural environments in Manitoba.

Our Voice Impact

"This experience has changed my life.  I see inadequacies everywhere I go as it relates to pedestrian access and safety.  I even stop [at] construction sites to remind them to be considerate of the handicapped in our community.  Thank you all so much for this awareness and empowerment to require change."

~ Pam Jiner, GirlTrek Advocacy Leader, Denver CO