One approach, endless applications.
Our Voice is proud to partner with institutions around the world to launch citizen science projects ranging from environmental justice to age-friendly walking paths.
Though the Our Voice approach can be tailored to nearly inumerable project topics, recent research topics have included walking environments, food environments, biking environments, social environments, mental health, physical activity, safety and violence prevention, wellbeing and quality of life, age-friendly environments, school & campuses, parks and green spaces, transportation, housing, disability access, work environments, substance abuse, and civic engagement.
Schools and Campuses
Our Voice in a rural community: empowering Colombian adolescents to advocate for school community well-being through citizen science
Montes F, Guerra AM, Higuera-Mendieta Diana, De la Vega-Taboada E, King AC, Banchoff A, Maturana ACR, Sarmiento OL. BMC Public Health, 2022.
Exploring University Age-Friendliness Using Collaborative Citizen Science
Chesser SA, Porter MM, Barclay R, King AC, Menec VH, Ripat J, Sibley KM, Sylvestre GM, Webber SC. The Gerontologist, 2020.
The Upward Spiral of Citizen Science: Engaging Students and Communities to Enhance Safe Routes to School and Active Transportation
Banchoff A, and King AC. Green Schools Catalyst Quality, 2020.
Enhancing Safe Routes to School Programs through Community-Engaged Citizen Science: Two Pilot Investigations in Lower Density Areas of Santa Clara County, California, USA
Rodriguez NM, Arce A, Kawaguchi A, Hua J, Broderick B, Winter SJ, King AC. BMC Public Health, 2019.
Building healthy schools through technology-enabled citizen science: The case of the Our Voice participatory action model in schools from Bogotá, Colombia
González SA, Rubio MA, Triana CA, King AC, Banchoff AW & Sarmiento OL. Global Public Health, 2021.