The Our Voice Approach
Beginning with neighborhood walks using the Discovery Tool, Citizen Scientists engage in a four-step process to build healthier communities.
Discover aspects of your community that impact healthy living:
‣ Go on a walk using the Discovery Tool
‣ Take photos and record your thoughts
‣ Think about how your community can be improved
Discuss your findings with other citizen scientists:
‣ Share your photos and discover common topics
‣ Prioritize target areas for change
‣ Brainstorm solutions and strategies
‣ Identify stakeholders, policy makers, and other potential allies
Advocate for local improvements:
‣ Meet with allies, stakeholders, and/or policy-makers
‣ Present and discuss findings and potential solutions
‣ Agree on action steps
Change your community for the better:
‣ Follow up on action plan
‣ Track activities and results
‣ Evaluate outcomes
‣ Celebrate and share successes!