The Stanford Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery's Human Biorepository Tissue Bank directs and maintains an extensive collection of over 2,500 human cardiothoracic tissue samples obtained from consented patients. The purpose of our tissue bank is to create a comprehensive biorepository resource and have it available for approved studies to advance cardiovascular and pulmonary disease research and discoveries. We have collaborated with more than 30 collaborators and Stanford labs. Our goal is to promote research by providing cardiothoracic tissue samples to researchers and scientists across Stanford Medicine.

Current Collaborators

BioBank tissue used for research
Publications, Research, Awards, and Grants

Dr. Euan Ashley

Roger and Joelle Burnell Professor of Genomics and Precision Health

LV tissue Publications pending

Dr. Marina Gabriel

Postdoctoral Scientist (CV Medicine)

Rani Agrawal

Lab Researcher and Lab Manager

Althea Tapales

4th Year Medical Student

Shriya Reddy

Stanford Bio-X Undergrad

Dr. Kevin Alexander

Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine)

amyloid heart transplants Publications pending

Dr. Jack Boyd

Clinical Associate Professor

CABG: Saphenous Vein, Radial Artery, LIMA Publications pending

Dr. Ian Chen

Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular) and of Radiology (Veterans Affairs)

LA Publications pending

Dr. Paul Cheng

Instructor, Cardiovascular Medicine, Stanford University

RCA coronary artery  Publications pending

Dr. Matthew McCarra

Instructor, Medicine (Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care Medicine)

IPF Lungs  Publications pending

Michael Fischbein Lab

Stanford Thoracic Aortic Research Lab

Dr. Michael Fischbein

Thelma and Henry Doelger Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery

Dr. Jennifer Kim

Cardiothoracic Surgery Resident

Aorta Publications pending

Dr. Brandon Guenthart

Clinical Assistant Professor

Lung transplant and heart transplant tissue Publications pending

Dr. William Hiesinger

Assistant Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery (Adult Cardiac Surgery)

Tricuspid Valve Publications pending

Joe Hsu Lab

Dr. Joe Le Hsu

Assistant Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)

IPF tissue Publications pending

Dr. Ioannis Karakikes

Associate Professor (Research)

Left ventricle, right ventricle, septum, as well as LA and RA if available Publications pending

Anson Lee Lab

Cardiac Surgical Arrhythmia Research Laboratory

Dr. Anson Lee

Assistant Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery (Adult Cardiac Surgery)

LA, L.A.A/RA, R.A.A tissue  Publications pending

Dr. Patricia Nguyen

Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine)

 LAD & RCA coronary artery & Blood Publications pending

Dr. Thomas Quertermous

William G. Irwin Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine

coronary arteries, pulmonary and aortic valves and aortic root, left and right ventricles Publications pending

Trieu Nguyen

Life Science Research Professional and Lab Manager

Dr. Paul Cheng

Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine)

Dr. Joao Pinho Monteiro

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Dr. Daniel Li

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Dr. Sushma Reddy

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Cardiology)

Blood and RV tissue  Publications pending

Yashuhiro Shudo Lab

Stanford Translational Heart Failure Research Laboratory

Dr. Yasuhiro Shudo

Clinical Assistant Professor

LV muscle apical core from Heart transplant recipient

1) ISHLT/O.H. Frazier Award in MCS Translational Research, The International Society of Heart & Lung Transplantation (2017).

2) Comprehensive Analysis of Differential Expressed Genes Related with Myocardial Reverse Remodeling Following HeartWare Ventricular Assist Device Implantations

Left Atrium from Donor’s heart Currently applying for grant as collaborator under possible international collaborative work project

Dr. Edda Spiekerkoetter

Associate Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine)

Whole heart Publications pending

Joseph Woo Lab

Stanford Advanced Therapeutics for Heart Failure Research Laboratory

Dr. Joseph Woo

Chair & Norman E. Shumway Professor and, by courtesy, of Bioengineering

LV Tissue Publications pending

Dr. Joseph Wu

Director of the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute and the Simon H. Stertzer, MD, Professor of Medicine and Radiology

non-ischemic cardiomyopathy tissue 
Publications pending
ascending aorta in O.C.T Publications pending

Dr. Ana Kojic

Postdoctoral Fellow


Dr. Zehra Yildirim

Postdoctoral Fellow


LV myocardium Publications pending

Dr. Francesca Vacante

Postdoctoral Scholar


Aorta, Lung tissue Publications pending

Dr. Nazish Sayed

Assistant Professor (Research) of Surgery (Vascular Surgery) and at the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute

LV, RV, RA, LA, Septum, pulm valv Publications pending

Completed Tissue Collection & Research

Dr. Edda Spiekerkoetter

Associate Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine)

Dr. Kenzo Ichimura

Postdoctoral Scholar, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

RV, Septum and LV tissue from patients with pulmonary hypertension harvested at time of Heart-Lung Transplantation. 

RV, Septum and LV tissue from patients at time of heart transplantation with normal RV on echo as controls. 

R01HL158868-01 (PI: Spiekerkoetter) 7/1/2021 – 6/20/2025 NIH-NHLBI Understanding and targeting molecular as well as structural events governing right ventricular adaptation, failure and recovery in pulmonary hypertension using repurposed drugs 

Postdoctoral Award - Nr 903768 (PI:Ichimura) - 1/1/2022 – 12/31/2023             

American Heart Association
Characterizing and Improving the Microvascular-Cardiomyocyte Interphase in Pressure-Overloaded Right Heart Failure 

RV, LV, and septal wall from heart transplantation recipients

(1) NIH/NHLBI 1R01HL158868- 01: Understanding and targeting molecular as well as structural events governing right ventricular adaptation, failure and recovery in pulmonary hypertension using repurposed drugs. PI: Edda Spiekerkoetter

(2) AHA postdoctoral fellowship: Characterizing and Improving the Microvascular-Cardiomyocyte Interphase in Pressure-Overloaded Right Heart Failure. PI: Kenzo Ichimura

Publications pending, 2022

Dr. Tushar Desai

Associate Professor of Medicine; Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care Medicine and Stem Cell Institute

Dr. Jung-Ki Yoon

Postdoctoral Scholar, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

Lung transplant tissue Publications pending, 2022