Stanford CyberKnife Program
Globally-recognized for the invention of the CyberKnife, the Stanford Radiosurgery Program brings together expert neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists, and physicists, to continue development of innovative stereotactic radiosurgical technology and techniques. Our team focuses the development, implementation, and clinical testing of these minimally invasive surgical tools for a variety of tumors. While the CyberKnife is commonly used for treatment of tumors in the brain, base of the skull, and the spine, Stanford physicians are also using this technology to treat cancers of the pancreas, prostate, and lungs. In addition, in conjunction with advanced 3D imaging, we are seeking to advance the use of the CyberKnife to treat a host of disorders - from neurological disorders, such as arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), acoustic neuromas, trigeminal neuralgia, depression, or obsessive-compulsive disorder – to back pain, and high blood pressure. Our early results have been encouraging and our advances in this field could provide patients, especially high-risk surgery candidates, new therapy options.
Conditions We Treat
The CyberKnife's special quality is that it tracks tumor movement whether from breathing or other patient motion. Its beam delivery arm reacts with minute precision to real-time images of the tumor. No radiation is sent out when the tumor moves out of the beam, protecting healthy tissue. At Stanford, CyberKnife is used to treat a variety of tumors or lesions, including:
- Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)
- Acoustic Neuroma
- Astrocytoma/Glioma/GMA
- Chordoma
- Craniopharyngioma
- Hemangioblastoma
- Meningioma
- Nasopharynx
- Oligodendroglioma/Medulloblastoma
- Pituitary Adenoma (Cushing's Disease)
- Schwannoma
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Other benign and primary tumors
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Featured Patient
CyberKnife Used to Treat Rare Condition in Pediatric Patient
Kendall Kemm, a pediatric stroke patient with arteriovenous malformation (AVM), a rare blood defect, is being treated at Stanford. Grateful for the care she received at Stanford and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Kendall formed Kendall’s Crusade, a nonprofit orgranization aimed to provide financial assistance to families affected by AVM.
CyberKnife developed at Stanford in 1994
10,000+ patients treated with CyberKnife at Stanford
More than 1 million patients treated with CyberKnife worldwide
Expertise in
· brain disorders
· acoustic neuromas
· AVMs
· meningiomas
· trigeminal neuralgia
Flexible Frameless System
- The CyberKnife precise tumor tracking ability allows treatment without rigid fixation
- The CyberKnife can deliver radiosurgery by tracking and automatically adjusting for patient motion by synchronizing with it
- Radiation can be delivered with sub-millimeter accuracy anywhere in the body
Treat Intracranial and Extra-Cranial Sites
- A proven treatment for brain disorders: tumors, AVMs, trigeminal neuralgia, and movement disorders
- Ability to treat head and neck tumors, and tumors of the lung, breast, spine, liver, pancreas, kidney and prostate
- Proven results through numerous peer reviewed publications over the last three decades
State of the Art Treatment Planning
- The CyberKnife allows multi-modality image fusion
- Steep dose gradients allow the target to be treated while minimizing the dose to healthy tissues
- The CyberKnife S7 treatment planning software is built for speed with extremely fast treatment plan optimization
Improved Patient Experience
- CyberKnife S7 delivers fast, less invasive treatments for patients, improving their experience
- Increased patient satisfaction due to proven results
- Improved patient quality of life through the treatment of tumors that cannot be safely treated with other modalities