Make a Difference
Support Stanford Neurosurgery
At Stanford Neurosurgery our training, clinical experience, and scientific research are driven by a sincere dedication to excellent medical care. We have compassion for the patients we treat and for the families who care for them. We are committed to research and innovation and fortunate to have excellent facilities and the most technologically advanced equipment in the world to help us treat neurological diseases. Your support will make a difference.
How to Support Stanford Neurosurgery
Contributions can be made either in general support of the Department of Neurosurgery, restricted to benefit the work of a particular surgeon, or a specific division within the Department. With your help, we can continue to make major strides in advancing our research and providing a better quality of life for our patients. Thank you for your partnership.
To Send a Donation:
Stanford Medical Center Development
Attn: Gifts Processing
485 Broadway, 4th Floor, U470
Redwood City, CA 94063
For More Information or to Discuss Giving Options:
Toba Rainess
Senior Associate Director of Development
Medical Center Development