Prospective Postdocs
The Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology (MCP) hosts approximately 70 postdoctoral trainees per year. Trainees come to us from all over the world to experience Stanford's world-class academic environment with innovative research of the highest caliber and facilities that define tomorrow's "state-of-the-art" in countless disciplines. In MCP, our postdoctoral fellows have a strong track record of defining their own research paths, earning early career fellowships from the NIH, Damon Runyon, Helen Hay Whitney and other foundations. Many have moved on to many high profiles careers in academia, including faculty positions at Stanford, Harvard, Brown, U.C. Berkeley, as well as universities around the globe. Other fellows choose industry research or teaching positions at non-research universities. Postdoctoral training at Stanford is generally a four to five year program.
Our postdocs must possess a Ph.D., an M.D., or both, as well as a strong track record of independent research. Persons interested in a postdoctoral position in MCP should contact directly the faculty member whose research most closely matches their own interests.
Explore this site for further information about our unique community of postdoctoral researchers
- Events: Read on to discover the Postdoc Quarterly Lunches, Postdoc Program Series with workshops
- Mentorship: We support postdocs to engage with a second mentor - another researcher on campus for career and scientific advice.
- Special Funding: We offer unique opportunities for funding through the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.