Our Research by Health Topic
Cancer Disparities
- Pang, Emily M., Olga Saynina, Lidia Schapira, Paul H. Wise, Heidi Boynton, Mary Smith, Lisa J. Chamberlain, and Stephanie M. Smith. "Cancer center-based follow-up among pediatric and adolescent/young adult cancer survivors: the role of a community-based organization and the social determinants of health." Journal of Cancer Survivorship (2023): 1-11.
- Alvarez E, Muffly L, Qian Li, Brunson A, Wun T, Chamberlain L, Keegan T. Care at Specialized Cancer Centers Among Young Adults with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in California. Leuk Lymphoma. 2018 Oct;59(10):2482-2484.
- Alvarez E, Chamberlain LJ, Aftandilian C, Saynina O, Wise PW. Pediatric Oncology Discharges with Febrile Neutropenia: Variation in Location of Care. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. Jan 2017:39(1)e1-e7.
- Alvarez E, Keegan TH, Johnston EE, Haile R, Sanders L, Saynina O, Chamberlain LJ. Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Patients: Disparities in Access to Specialized Cancer Centers. Cancer. Feb 27, 2017. 1;123(13):2516-2523.
- Alvarez EM, Keegan TH, Johnston EE, Haile R, Sanders L, Wise PH, Saynina O, Chamberlain LJ. The Affordable Care Act Dependent Coverage Expansion: Disparities in Impact in Young Adult Oncology Patients. Cancer. 2017 Sep 22.
- Johnston EE, Alvarez E, Saynina O, Sanders L, Bhatia S, Chamberlain LJ. Inpatient Utilization and Disparities: The Last Year of Life of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Patients in California. Cancer. 2018 Apr 15;124(8):1819-1827.
Human Trafficking
- Grace AM, Lippert S, Collins K, Pineda N, Tolani A, Walker R, Jeong M, Trounce MB, Graham C, Martinez J, Dotzler J, Vanek J, Oki K, Storfer-Isser A, Chamberlain LJ, Horwitz SM. Educating health professionals on human trafficking: A randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Emerg Care. Nov 2014:30 (12): 856-861.
Juvenile Justice
- Anoshiravani, A, Saynina O, Chamberlain L, Goldstein B, Huffman LC, Wang NE, Wise PH. Mental illness drives hospitalizations in detained California youth: A total population study. J Adolesc Health. 2015 Jun 27.
- Park S, Onufrak S, Cradock A, Patel AI, Hecht C, Merlo C, Blanck H. Correlates of Infrequent Plain Water Intake among US High School Students: National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2017. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2020. June 34(5):549-554.
Child Health Disparities
- Swenson SM, Chamberlain LJ, Sanders LM, Sundaram V, Wise PH. Costs of Outpatient Pharmacy Services among Children with Serious Chronic Illness. JAMA. 2015 Jul 28;314(4):405-7.
- Rosinger A, Patel AI, Weaks F. Increasing Racial Disparity Gap in Tap Water Consumption Following the Flint, Michigan Water Crisis: Evidence from NHANES 2011-2018. Public Health Nutr. 2021 Jun 11:1-20.
- Peterson JW, Loeb S, Chamberlain LJ. The Intersection of Health and Education to Address School Readiness of All Children: A State of the Art Review. Pediatrics. 2018 Nov;142(5).
Pediatric Cardiology Disparities
- Fernandes SM, Chamberlain LJ, Grady S, Saynina O, Opotowsky AR, Sanders, L, Wise PH. Trends in utilization of specialty care centers in California for adults with congenital heart disease. Am J Cardiol. 2015 May 1;115(9):1298-304.
- Chamberlain LJ, Fernandes S, Saynina O, Grady, S, Sanders L, Wise P. Variation in utilization of pediatric cardiology subspecialty care: A total population in California, 1983-2011. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015 Jul 7;66(1):37-44.
- Lee JM, Sundaram V, Sanders L, Chamberlain L, Wise P. Health care utilization and costs of publicly-insured children with diabetes in California. J Pediatr. 2015 Aug;167(2):449-454.e6.
- Falbe J, Thompson HR, Patel AI, Madsen KA. Potentially Addictive Properties of Sugar Sweetened Beverages among Adolescents. Appetite. 2018; 133: 130–37
Pediatric Disparities
- Cohen E, Hall M, Lopert R, Bruen B, Chamberlain LJ, Bardach N, Gedney J, Zima BT, Berry, JG. High Expenditure Pharmaceutical Use Among Children in Medicaid. Pediatrics. 2017 Aug 1
End of Life
- Johnson EE, Muffly LS, Alvarez E, Saynina O, Sanders L, Bhatia S, Chamberlain LJ. End-of-Life Care Intensity in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant. Recipients: A Population Level Analysis. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2018 Sep 5
- Johnston EE, Bogetz J, Saynina O, Chamberlain LJ, Bhatia S, Sanders L. Disparities in Inpatient Intensity of End-of-Life Care for Complex Chronic Conditions. Pediatrics. 2019 May;143(5).
- Johnston EE, Adesina OO, Alvarez E, Amato H, Paulukonis S, Nichols A, Chamberlain LJ, Bhatia S. Acute Care Utilization at End of Life in Sickle Cell Disease: Highlighting the Need for a Palliative Approach. J Palliat Med. 2020 Jan.
- Rajeshuni N, Johnston E, Saynina O, Sanders L, Chamberlain LJ. Disparities in Location of Death of Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer: A Longitudinal, Population Study in California. Cancer. 2017 Nov 1;123(21):4178-4184.
- Johnston EE, Alvarez E, Saynani O, Sanders L, Bhatia S, Chamberlain LJ. End-of-Life Intensity for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer: A Californian Population-Based Study That Shows Disparities. J Oncol Pract. 2017 Aug 22.
- Johnston EE, Alvarez E, Saynina O, Sanders L, Bhatia S, Chamberlain LJ. Disparities in the Intensity of End-of-Life Care for Children with Cancer. Pediatrics. 2017 Oct;140(4).
Water Access Research
- Patel AI, Shapiro DJ, Wang YC, Cabana MD. Sociodemographic characteristics and beverage intake of children who drink tap water. Am J Prev Med. 2013 Jul; 45(1):75-82.
- Bogart LM, Babey SH, Patel AI, Wang P, Schuster MA. Lunchtime school water availability and water consumption among California adolescents. J Adolesc Health. 2016 Jan 58(1):98-103.
- Tasian GE, Ross M, Song L, Audrain-McGovern J, Wiebe D, Warner SG, Henderson B, Patel A, Furth SL. Ecological Momentary Assessment of Factors Associated with Water Intake among Adolescents with Kidney Stone Disease. J Urol. 2019 Mar;201(3):606-614.
- Krissberg J, Sutherland SM, Chamberlain LJ, Wise PH. Policy in Pediatric Nephrology: Successes, Failures, and Where to Go From Here. Pediatr Nephrol. 2020 Sep 23. PMID: 32968856
- Patel AI, Madsen KA, Maselli JH, Cabana MD, Stafford RS, Hersh AL. Underdiagnosis of pediatric obesity during outpatient preventive care visits. Acad Pediatr. 2010 Nov-Dec; 10(6):405-9.
- Leventer-Roberts M, Patel AI, Trasande L. Is severity of obesity associated with diagnosis or health education practices? Int J Obes (Lond). 2012 Dec; 36(12):1571-7.
- Burman NJ, Cabana MD, Maselli JH, Hilton JF, Patel AI. Missing documentation of weight and height at preventive visits for children. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2012 Oct; 51(10):933-8.
- Shapiro DJ, Hersh AL, Cabana MD, Sutherland SM, Patel AI. Hypertension screening during ambulatory pediatric visits in the United States, 2000-2009. Pediatrics. 2012 Oct; 130(4):604-10.
- Young CA, Chan C, Stookey J, Patel AI, Evans J, Cohn K, Agana L, Yen IH, Fernandez A, Cabana MD. Development of a Tool to Evaluate Asthma Preparedness and Management in Childcare Centers. Pediatric Allergy, Immunology and Pulmonology. 2015 Jun 1;28(2):121-128.
- Young C, Stookey J, Patel AI, Chan C, Evan J, Cohn K, Agana L, Yen I, Fernandez A, Cabana MD. San Francisco child care centers’ preparedness in the prevention and management of asthma among preschool-aged children. Journal of Asthma. 2016 Sept 53(7)691-8.
- Dang R, Schroeder AR, Patel AI, Parsonnet J, Wang M. Temperature Measurement at Well-Child Visits in the United States. Journal of Pediatrics. 2021 May;232:237-242.
- Dang R, Patel AI, Marlow J, Wang Y, Wang ME, Schroeder AR. Frequency and Impact of Routine Temperature Measurement at Well-Child Visits. Pediatrics J Pediatr. 2021 May; 232:237-242.
Domestic Violence
- Ragavan M, Karpel H, Bogetz A, Lucha S, Bruce J*. Health education for women and children: a community-engaged mutual learning curriculum for health trainees. MedEdPORTAL Publications. 2016; 12:10492.
- Ragavan M, Bruce JS, Lucha S, Chamberlain LJ. Building a novel health curriculum for survivors of intimate partner violence residing at a transitional housing program. Violence Against Women. 2016: 1:20.
- Ragavan M, Bruce JS, Lucha S, Chamberlain LJ. The Health of Women and Children After Surviving Intimate Partner Violence. Violence Against Women. 2016: 1-23.
Human Trafficking
- Barnert E, Iqbal Z†, Bruce J, Anoshiravani A, Kolhatkar G, Greenbaum J. Commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of children and adolescents: a narrative review. Academic pediatrics. 2017 Nov 1;17(8):825-9.
Food Insecurity
- De La Cruz M, Phan K†, Bruce JS*. More to Offer than Books: Stakeholder Perceptions of a Public Library-Based Meal Programme. Public Health Nutrition 23, no. 12 (August 2020): 2179–88.
- Cooper AY†, Altman E, Hecht CE, Bruce, J, Patel AI. Stories of Success: A Qualitative Examination of Contributors to Excellence in School Drinking Water Access. Public Health Nutrition 23, no. 10 (July 2020): 1800–1809.
- Bruce JS, De La Cruz M, Lundberg K†, Vesom N†, Aguayo J†, Merrell SB. Combating Child Summer Food Insecurity: Examination of a Community-Based Mobile Meal Program. Journal of Community Health, May 9, 2019.
- Bruce JS, De La Cruz M, Moreno G†, Chamberlain LJ. Lunch at the library: Examination of a community-based approach to addressing summer food insecurity. Public Health Nutr. 2017: Mar 20: 1-10.
- Jowell, Ashley H, Janine S Bruce, Gabriela V Escobar, Valeria M Ordonez, Christina A Hecht, and Anisha I Patel. Mitigating Childhood Food Insecurity during COVID-19: A Qualitative Study of How School Districts in California’s San Joaquin Valley Responded to Growing Needs. Public Health Nutrition, July 30, 2021, 1–11.
- Bruce, JS., Lien TN, George E, Puri V, Ramirez M, and Merrell SB. Examination of an Intergenerational Summer Meal Program for Children and Older Adults. Journal of Community Health, August 1, 2022.
- Ghida El-Banna, BA, MPP; Kimberly Higuera, BA; Fernando S. Mendoza, MD, MPH. The Intergenerational Health Effects of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program on Families with Mixed Immigration Status. Academic Pediatrics. July 25, 2021
- Peoples JD, Bishop (Bruce) JS, Health, Barrera B, Lamas O, Dunlap J†, Gonzalez PA†, Horwitz SM, Chamberlain LJ. Health, Occupational and Environmental Risks of Emancipated Migrant Farmworker Youth. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 21, no. 4 (2010): 1215–1226.
- Bruce, Janine S., Monica M. De La Cruz, Reshma Thadani, Jecca R. Steinberg, Ryan Brewster, Shannon Chiu, Reagan Dunham, Eleni Ramphos, Melanie Ramirez, and Lisa J. Chamberlain. Kinder Ready Clinics: A Collaborative Model for Creating Equitable and Engaged Early Learning Environments for Low-Income Families. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 33, no. 1 (2022): 528–41.
- Chamberlain, Lisa J., Janine Bruce, Monica De La Cruz, Lynne Huffman, Jecca Rhea Steinberg, Ren Bruguera, Jaime W. Peterson, et al. “A Text-Based Intervention to Promote Literacy: An RCT.” Pediatrics 148, no. 4 (October 2021): e2020049648. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2020-049648.
- Connelly, E†, Ordaz, Y†, Perez, J†, De La Cruz, M, Bruguera, L†, Steinberg, JR†, Chamberlain, LJ, Bruce, JS*. Clinic-Based School Readiness: A Qualitative Examination of a Text Messaging Intervention. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 32, no. 2S (2021): 43–61.
- Peterson JW, Huffman LC, Bruce H, Prata N, Harley KG, and Chamberlain LJ. A Clinic-Based School Readiness Coaching Intervention for Low-Income Latino Children: An Intervention Study. Clinical Pediatrics, 2020, 12.
- Peterson J, Huffman LC, Bruce J, Prata, N, Harley, KG, Chamberlain LJ. A clinic-based school readiness coaching intervention for low-income, Latino parents: An intervention study. Clinical Pediatrics. July 22, 2020.
- Steinberg JR†, Bruce JS, Marin-Nevarez P†, Phan K†, Merrell SB, Chamberlain LJ. Early childhood learning and the pediatrician: A qualitative study among diverse, low-income caregivers. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 2018: March.
- Peterson J, Bruce, JS, Patel N, Chamberlain, L. Parental Attitudes, Behaviors, and Barriers to School Readiness among Parents of Low-Income Latino Children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15, no. 2 (January 24, 2018): 188.
- Grummon AH, Sokol RL, Goodman D, Hecht CA, Salvia M, Musicus AA, Patel AI. Promoting healthy beverage intake via children’s books: An online randomized experiment with parents of young children. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. In press.
Healthcare Access
- Rios CC†, Ling EJ, Rivera R, Gonzalez J, Barry M, Bruce JS, Merrell SB, de Jesus Perez V. Puerto Rico Health System Resilience After Hurricane Maria: Implications for Disaster Preparedness in the COVID-19 Era. Frontiers in Communication 5 (February 3, 2021): 593939.
- Lee July†, Bruce JB, and Wang NE. Opportunities for Supporting Latino Immigrants in Emergency and Ambulatory Care Settings. Journal of Community Health, July 22, 2020.
- Carroll AL†, Garcia D, Cassells SJ†, Bruce JS, Merrell SB, Schillinger E. ‘Making It Work’: A Preliminary Mixed Methods Study of Rural Trauma Care Access and Resources in New Mexico. Cureus, October 24, 2020.
- Cooper AY†, Altman E, Hecht CE, Bruce, J, Patel AI. Stories of Success: A Qualitative Examination of Contributors to Excellence in School Drinking Water Access. Public Health Nutrition 23, no. 10 (July 2020): 1800–1809.
- Gaskin, G†, Bruce, JB, Anoshiravani, A. Understanding Parent Perspectives Concerning Adolescents’ Online Access to Personal Health Information. Journal of Participatory Medicine 8 (2016).
- Bruce JS. Sexual and Reproductive Health Policies for Foster Youth in California: A Qualitative Study of Child Welfare Professionals’ Experiences and Perceptions of Policies. Children and Youth Services Review 61 (2016): 184–200.
- Johnston EE, Argueza B†, Graham C, Bruce J, Chamberlain LJ, Anoshiravani A. In Their Own Voices: The Reproductive Health Care Experiences of Detained Adolescent Girls. Women’s Health Issues 26, no. 1 (January 2016): 48–54.
- Chamberlain LJ, Hughes DC, Bishop (Bruce) JS, Matsuda DH†, Sassoubre L. Universal Health Care Coverage for Children: Impact on Pediatric Health Care Providers. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 16, no. 4 (2005): 622–633.
Tobacco & Smoking Prevention
- Stewart HC†, Stevenson TN, Bruce JS, Greenberg, B, Chamberlain, LJ. Attitudes Toward Smoking Cessation Among Sheltered Homeless Parents. Journal of Community Health 40, no. 6 (December 2015): 1140–48.
- Buu MC, Carter L, Bruce JS, Baca EA, Greenberg B, Chamberlain LJ. Asthma, Tobacco Smoke and the Indoor Environment: A Qualitative Study of Sheltered Homeless Families. Journal of Asthma 51, no. 2 (March 2014): 142–48.
Healthy Eating & Obesity
- Patel AI, Bogart LM, Uyeda KE, Martinez H, Knizewski R, Ryan GW, Schuster MA. School site visits for community-based participatory research on healthy eating. Am J Prev Med. 2009 Dec; 37(6 Suppl 1):S300-6.
- Patel AI, Bogart LM, Uyeda KE, Rabin A, Schuster MA. Perceptions about availability and adequacy of drinking water in a large California school district. Prev Chronic Dis. 2010 Mar; 7(2):A39.
- Patel AI, Bogart LM, Elliott MN, Lamb S, Uyeda KE, Hawes-Dawson J, Klein DJ, Schuster MA. Increasing the availability and consumption of drinking water in middle schools: a pilot study. Prev Chronic Dis. 2011 May; 8(3):A60.
- Walkinshaw LP, Hecht C, Patel AI, Podrabsky M. Training High School Student “Citizen Scientists” to Document School Water Access: a Feasibility Study. Journal of School Health. 2019 June; 89 (8); 653-661.
- Patel AI, Podrabsky M, Hecht A, Morris S, Yovanovich S, Walkinshaw L, Ritchie L, Hecht C. Development and Validation of a Photo-Evidence Tool to Examine Characteristics of Effective Drinking Water Access in Schools. Journal of School Health. 2020 April; 90(4): 271-277.
- Lawman HG, Lofton X, Grossman S, Root M, Perez M, Tasian G, Patel AI. A Randomized Trial of a Multi-level Intervention to Increase Water Access and Appeal in Community Recreation Centers. Contemporary Clinical Trials. Contemp Clin Trials. 2019 Apr;79:14-20.
- Grummon AH, Cabana MD, Hecht A, Alkon A, McCulloch C, Brindis C, Patel AI. Effects of a Multi-pronged Beverage Intervention on Young Children’s Beverage Intake and Weight. Public Health Nutrition. 2019; Oct;22 (15): 2856-2867.
- Laguna MC, Hecht AA, Ponce, J, Jue T, Brindis C, Patel AI. Teachers as Healthy Beverage Role Models: Relationship of Student and Teacher Beverage Choices in Elementary Schools. Journal of Community Health. 2019 August; 45: 121–127.
- Patel AI, Hecht A, Hampton K, Hecht C, Buck S. Agua4All: Providing Safe Drinking Water in Rural California Communities. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2019 November; 16: E151.
- Lawman HG, Grossman S, Lofton X, Tasian G, Patel AI. Hydrate Philly: an Intervention to Increase Water Access and Appeal in Recreation Centers. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2020 February; 17: E15
- Moreno GD, Schmidt LA, Ritchie LD, McCulloch C, Cabana MD, Brindis CD, Green LW, Altman EA, Patel AI. A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of an Elementary School Drinking Water Access and Promotion Intervention: Rationale, Study Design, and Protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2020 Dec 25.
- Patel AI, Bogart LM, Klein DJ. Middle school student attitudes about school drinking fountains and water intake. Acad Pediatr. 2014 Sep-Oct; 14(5):471-7.
- Park S, Onufrak S, Patel AI, Sharkey JF, Blank HM. Perceptions of Drinking Water Safety and Their Associations with Plain Water Intake among US Hispanic Adults. J Water Health. 2019 Aug;17(4):587-596.
- Chung RJ, Ramirez MR, Best DL, Cohen M, Chamberlain LJ. Advocacy and community engagement: perspectives from pediatric department chairs. J Pediatr. Published online January 11, 2022.
- Ramirez MR, Bruce JS, Ball AJ†, Gambhir S†, Zabrocka K†, Sahak O, Dali S†, Jones KA†, and Chamberlain LJ. Pediatric Departmental Advocacy: Our Experience Addressing the Social Challenges of Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Racism. The Journal of Pediatrics, December 2020, S0022347620314608.
- Steinberg JR†, Bruce JS, Marin-Nevarez P†, Phan K†, Merrell SB, Chamberlain L. What Do Clinical Environments Say to Our Patients? A Replicable Model for Creative Advocacy. American Journal of Public Health 108, no. 11 (November 2018): 1509–10.
- Chamberlain LJ, Hanson ER, Klass P, Schickedanz AB, Nakhasi A, Barnes M, Berger S, Boyd R, Dreyer B, Meyer D, Navsaria D, Rao S and Klein M. Childhood Poverty and Its Impact on Health and Well-Being: Enhancing Training for Learners Across the Medical Education Continuum. Acad Pediatr. 2016 Apr;16(3 Suppl):S155-62.
Health Disparities
- Patel AI, Schmidt LA. Water Access in the United States: Health Disparities Abound and Solutions are urgently Needed. American Journal of Public Health. 2017 Sep; 107(9):1354-1356.
Food Insecurity
- Bruce, Janine S., Monica M. De La Cruz, Katherine Lundberg, Nicholas Vesom, Javier Aguayo, and Sylvia Bereknyei Merrell. “Combating Child Summer Food Insecurity: Examination of a Community-Based Mobile Meal Program.” Journal of Community Health, May 9, 2019
- Nagata J, Chamberlain LJ, Robinson TN. More Hippocrates, less hypocrisy: Eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages from residency lunches. Academic Medicine: February 2015:90 (2): 127-128.
- Patel AI, Cabana MD. Encouraging healthy beverage intake in child care and school settings. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2010 Dec; 22(6):779-84.
- Patel AI, Hampton KE. Encouraging consumption of water in school and child care settings: access, challenges, and strategies for improvement. Am J Public Health. 2011 Aug; 101(8):1370-9.
- Patel AI, Chandran K, Hampton KE, Hecht K, Grumbach JM, Kimura AT, Braff- Guajardo E, Brindis CD. Observations of drinking water access in school food service areas before implementation of federal and state school water policy, California, 2011. Prev Chronic Dis. 2012; 9:E121.
- 10. Beck AL, Patel AI, Madsen K. Trends in sugar-sweetened beverage and 100% fruit juice consumption among California children. Acad Pediatr. 2013 Jul-Aug; 13(4):364-70.
- Patel AI, Hecht K, Hampton KE, Grumbach JM, Braff-Guajardo E, Brindis CD. Tapping into water: key considerations for achieving excellence in school drinking water access. Am J Public Health. 2014 Jul; 104(7):1314-9.
- Ritchie LD, Yoshida S, Sharma S, Patel AI, Homel Vitale E, Hecht K. Drinking Water in California Childcare: Before and After 2011-2012 Beverage Policy. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2015 Jun 4;12:E89.
- Grummon AH, Oliva A, Hampton KE, Patel AI. Association between Student Purchases of Beverages during the School Commute and In-school Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2015 Dec 12: E220.
- Patel AI, Grummon A, Hampton KE, Oliva A, McCulloch CE, Brindis CD. A Trial of the Efficacy and Cost of Water Delivery Systems in Schools. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2016 Jul;13:160108.
- Hecht AA, Grumbach JM, Hampton KE, Hecht K, Braff-Guajardo E, Brindis CD, McCulloch CE, Patel AI. Validation of a Survey to Examine Drinking Water Access, Practices, and Policies in Schools. Public Health Nutrition. 2017 Dec;20(17):3068-3074
- Long MW, Gortmaker SL, Patel AI, Onufrak SJ, Wilking CL, Cradock AL. Public Perception of and Quality and Support for Required Access to Drinking Water in Schools and Parks. American Journal of Health Promotion. Am J Health Promot. 2018 Jan;32(1):72-74.
- Cooper AY, Altman EA, Hecht CE, Bruce J, Patel AI. Stories of success: A qualitativeexamination of contributors to excellence in school drinking water access in schools. Public Health Nutrition. 2020 Feb 26:1-10
- Patel AI, Hecht CE, Cradock AL, Edwards M, Ritchie L. Drinking Water in the United States: Implications of Water Safety, Access and Consumption. Annual Review of Nutrition. 2020 Sept 40: 345-373.
- Altman EA, Lee KL, Hecht CE, Hampton KE, Moreno G, Patel AI. Drinking Water Access in California Schools: Before and After the Implementation of School Water Policies. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2020; 19:101143.
- Beck A, Martinez S, Patel AI, Fernandez A. Trends in Sugar-sweetened Beverage Consumption among California Children. Public Health Nutrition. 2020 June 23(16): 2864-2869.
- Umunna I, Blacker L, Hecht C, Edwards M, Altman E, Patel AI. Water Safety in California Public Schools Following Implementation of School Drinking Water Policies. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2020 Dec 17: E166.
- Sharma P, Altman EA, Hampton KE, Moreno G, Hecht C, Patel AI. Strength and Comprehensiveness of Drinking Water Language in California School District Wellness Policies. Journal of Nutrition, Education, and Behavior. 2021 Jun.
- Patel AI, Ritchie L. Striving for meaningful policies to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage intake among young children. Pediatrics. 2013 Sep; 132(3):566-8. PMID: 23918894
- Dooley D, Patel AI, Schmidt LA. "Chocolate Milk in Schools" Response Letter to Snacks,Sweetened Beverages, Added Sugars, and Schools: Council on School Health, Committee on Nutrition. Pediatrics, 2015 March 135(3): 575-583.
- Patel AI, Brindis CD. Maximizing School Policies to Reduce Youth Consumption of Sugar Sweetened Beverages. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2016 Jul; 59(1):1-2.
- Patel AI, Schmidt LA. Healthy beverage initiatives in higher education: An untapped strategy for health promotion. Public Health Nutrition. 2020 Oct; 1-3.
Primary Care Redesign
- Chamberlain LJ, Kelly N. Child Advocacy in the 21st Century. Adv Pediatr. 2015 Aug;62(1):91-103.
- Beck A, Tschudy M, Coker T, Mistry K, Cox J, Gitterman B, Chamberlain L, Grace A, Hole M, Klass P, Lobach K, Ma C, Navsaria D, Northrip K, Sadof M, Shah A, Fierman A. Determinants of Health and Pediatric Primary Care Practices. Pediatrics. 2016 Mar;137(3):e20153673.
- Beck A, Tschudy M, Coker T, Mistry K, Cox J, Gitterman B, Chamberlain L, Grace A, Hole M, Klass P, Lobach K, Ma C, Navsaria D, Northrip K, Sadof M, Shah A, Fierman A. Determinants of Health and Pediatric Primary Care Practices. Pediatrics. 2016 Mar;137(3):e20153673. Advocacy primary care redesign
- Fierman A, Beck AF, Chung EK, Tschudy MM, Coker TR, Mistry KB, Siegel B, Chamberlain LJ, Conroy K, Federico SG, Flanagan PJ, Garg A, Gitterman BA, Grace AM, Gross R, Hole MK, Klass P, Kraft CA, Kuo AA, Lewis G, Lobach KS, Long D, Ma CT, Messito MJ, Navsaria D, Northrip KD, Osman C,Sadof MD, Schickedanz A, Cox JE. Redesigning Health Care Practices to Address Childhood Poverty. Acad Pediatr. 2016 Apr;16(3 Suppl):S136-46.
- Patel AI, Sanchez-Vaznaugh E, Woodward-Lopez G. The Importance of Body Mass Index Assessment and Surveillance in Schools. JAMA Pediatrics. 2021 Feb 22. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2021.0016. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33616644
Medical Education
- White W, Brenman S, Paradis E, Goldsmith ES, Lunn MR, Obedin-Maliver J, Stewart L, Tran E, Wells M, Chamberlain LJ, Fetterman D, Garcia G. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender patient care: Medical Students’ preparedness and comfort. Teach Learn Med. 2015 Jul-Sept; (3):254-63.
- Eneriz-Wiemer M, Nelson BD, Bruce J, Chamberlain LJ. “Global Health Training in Pediatric Residency: A Qualitative Analysis of Faculty Director Insights.” Academic Pediatrics 12, no. 3 (2012): 238–244.