Welcome to SMSA!

On your behalf, we are pleased to offer a number of useful resources for medical students throughout our website. Please feel free to contact the SMSA Exec with any questions that are not currently addressed on our website.


The SMSA officers meet approximately every other Monday in the Dean's Boardroom (LKSC 320) to review and take action on items of concern and importance for the student body. SMSA General Meetings are open to all MD/PA students and we encourage all students to attend. Reminder emails (which confirm date, time, and location) are sent before every meeting to the entire student body. 

Want an event added to the SMSA calendar? Email smsa-execs@lists.stanford.edu with the following info:

  1. Event Name
  2. Date/Time
  3. Location
  4. Description/Contact Info

Other Calendars to Visit